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  • D. A. Carson Quote - If the text is God’s Word, it is appropriate that we respond with reverence, a certain fear, a holy joy, a questing obedience.
  • D. A. Carson Quote - If the text is God’s Word, it is appropriate that we respond with reverence, a certain fear, a holy joy, a questing obedience.
  • D. A. Carson Quote - If the text is God’s Word, it is appropriate that we respond with reverence, a certain fear, a holy joy, a questing obedience.
  • D. A. Carson Quote - If the text is God’s Word, it is appropriate that we respond with reverence, a certain fear, a holy joy, a questing obedience.
  • D. A. Carson Quote - If the text is God’s Word, it is appropriate that we respond with reverence, a certain fear, a holy joy, a questing obedience.
  • D. A. Carson Quote - If the text is God’s Word, it is appropriate that we respond with reverence, a certain fear, a holy joy, a questing obedience.
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If the text is God’s Word, it is appropriate that we respond with reverence, a certain fear, a holy joy, a questing obedience.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - Often a Study Bible will also include some brief articles, photographs of geographical and archaeological sites, fairly extensive maps, and charts that summarize a lot of information. Download This Image

    Often a Study Bible will also include some brief articles, photographs of geographical and archaeological sites, fairly extensive maps, and charts that summarize a lot of information.

    D. A. CARSON
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - The Christian’s whole desire, at its best and highest, is that Jesus Christ be praised. It is always a wretched bastardization of our goals when we want to win glory for ourselves instead of for him.

    The Christian’s whole desire, at its best and highest, is that Jesus Christ be praised. It is always a wretched bastardization of our goals when we want to win glory for ourselves instead of for him.

    D. A. CARSON
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - How can that be? This is quite a contrast with Islam, for example, which holds that the Koran has been dictated in Arabic by God and as a result Mohammed is nothing more than the one who memorizes the word so as to pass it on. There is nothing of human contribution.

    How can that be? This is quite a contrast with Islam, for example, which holds that the Koran has been dictated in Arabic by God and as a result Mohammed is nothing more than the one who memorizes the word so as to pass it on. There is nothing of human contribution.

    D. A. CARSON
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - Systematic theology will ask questions like “What are the attributes of God? What is sin? What does the cross achieve?” Biblical theology tends to ask questions such as “What is the theology of the prophecy of Isaiah? What do we learn from John’s Gospel? Download This Image

    Systematic theology will ask questions like “What are the attributes of God? What is sin? What does the cross achieve?” Biblical theology tends to ask questions such as “What is the theology of the prophecy of Isaiah? What do we learn from John’s Gospel?

    D. A. CARSON
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - Some Christians want enough of Christ to be identified with him but not enough to be seriously inconvenienced.

    Some Christians want enough of Christ to be identified with him but not enough to be seriously inconvenienced.

    D. A. CARSON
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - What binds us together is not common education, common race, common income levels, common politics, common nationality, common accents, common jobs, or anything else of that sort. Download This Image

    What binds us together is not common education, common race, common income levels, common politics, common nationality, common accents, common jobs, or anything else of that sort.

    D. A. CARSON
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - He is sold for thirty pieces of silver but gives His life a ransom for many; He will not turn stones to bread for Himself but gives His own body as bread for people.

    He is sold for thirty pieces of silver but gives His life a ransom for many; He will not turn stones to bread for Himself but gives His own body as bread for people.

    D. A. CARSON
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - To worship God ‘in spirit and in truth’ is first and foremost a way of saying that we must worship God by means of Christ. In him the reality has dawned and the shadows are being swept away (Hebrews 8:13).

    To worship God ‘in spirit and in truth’ is first and foremost a way of saying that we must worship God by means of Christ. In him the reality has dawned and the shadows are being swept away (Hebrews 8:13).

    D. A. CARSON
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - There may be some, but not everybody. But there are many, many, many different Christian, theological, pastoral, specialisms that are covered by one section or another of the book and this will become, therefore, a resource volume for many people.

    There may be some, but not everybody. But there are many, many, many different Christian, theological, pastoral, specialisms that are covered by one section or another of the book and this will become, therefore, a resource volume for many people.

    D. A. CARSON
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - A prayerless person is a disaster waiting to happen.

    A prayerless person is a disaster waiting to happen.

    D. A. CARSON
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - I suspect that relatively few people will sit down and read 1250 pages [ of The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures.] all the way through from cover to cover. Download This Image

    I suspect that relatively few people will sit down and read 1250 pages [ of The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures.] all the way through from cover to cover.

    D. A. CARSON
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - What the Bible says is what God has disclosed and we want to approach this sacred text with cognitive reverence.

    What the Bible says is what God has disclosed and we want to approach this sacred text with cognitive reverence.

    D. A. CARSON
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - The person who prays more in public than in private reveals that he is less interested in God’s approval than in human praise. Not piety but a reputation for piety is his concern. Download This Image

    The person who prays more in public than in private reveals that he is less interested in God’s approval than in human praise. Not piety but a reputation for piety is his concern.

    D. A. CARSON
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - Make a mistake in the interpretation of one of Shakespeare’s plays, falsely scan a piece of Spenserian verse, and there is unlikely to be an entailment of eternal consequence; but we cannot lightly accept a similar laxity in the interpretation of Scripture.

    Make a mistake in the interpretation of one of Shakespeare’s plays, falsely scan a piece of Spenserian verse, and there is unlikely to be an entailment of eternal consequence; but we cannot lightly accept a similar laxity in the interpretation of Scripture.

    D. A. CARSON
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - Sex is about timing. The world says: any time, any place. God says: my time, my place.

    Sex is about timing. The world says: any time, any place. God says: my time, my place.

    D. A. CARSON
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram D. A. Carson Quote - It was not nails that held Jesus to that wretched cross; it was his unqualified resolution, out of love for his Father, to do his Father’s will-and it was his love for sinners like me.

    It was not nails that held Jesus to that wretched cross; it was his unqualified resolution, out of love for his Father, to do his Father’s will-and it was his love for sinners like me.

    D. A. CARSON