I’m scared to death of being poor. It’s like a fat girl who loses 500 pounds but is always fat inside. I grew up poor and will always feel poor inside. It’s my pet paranoia.
CHERI have a belief: What belongs to you, comes to you.
More Cher Quotes
I can trust my friends… these people force me to examine myself, encourage me to grow.
There are lots of things that I’d like to be, and nice just doesn’t seem good enough.
It’s my body and if I want to do it like Michael Jackson, I will. My nose bothered me for a long time. Now it’s smaller and I’m happy. If I wanna put my tits on my back, they’re mine!
If you’re waiting for someone to believe in you, you’ll be waiting forever. You must believe in yourself.
Going hungry never bothered me – it was having no clothes.
Anyone who’s a great kisser I’m always interested in.
Everyone’s got to have a dream. It’s not reaching your dream that counts. It’s going toward them.
If you can’t go straight ahead, you go around the corner.
I’ve always taken risks, and never worried what the world might really think of me.
You’ve probably noticed already that I’m dressed like a grown-up… I apologize to the Academy, and I promise that I will never do it again.
My mother was the most creative, fantastic person and would come up with great things for us to do. She’d buy art supplies and all of us would sit around painting. I was lucky.
I’ve never compromised who I am not ever. If I’ve gotten anywhere in my life it’s been on my own merits.
Don’t take your toys inside just because it’s raining.
I’m the female equivalent of a counterfeit $20 bill. Half of what you see is a pretty good reproduction, the rest is a fraud.
Women have to harness their power – it’s absolutely true. It’s just learning not to take the first ‘no.’ And if you can’t go straight ahead, you go around the corner.