All of us invent ourselves. Some of us just have more imagination than others.
CHERDo you believe in life after love?
More Cher Quotes
It’s my body and if I want to do it like Michael Jackson, I will. My nose bothered me for a long time. Now it’s smaller and I’m happy. If I wanna put my tits on my back, they’re mine!
Life is about enjoying yourself and having a good time.
I’ve always taken risks, and never worried what the world might really think of me.
I am the girl who everyone said was never going anywhere. I guess I shocked a few people.
There is only one value to having the look you have when you are young and no value to the look you have when you are older.
In the recession people are going to be looking even more at what movie stars are wearing, as it provides a fantasy outlet.
Donald Trump can’t come up with a hairstyle that looks human, how can he come up with a plan to defeat ISIS.
Younger men are more supportive and a lot less demanding, and they also have more time for their relationships.
I wouldn’t give myself any advice, because advice is kinda bullshit. Take a deep breath and don’t take any of it too seriously.
My mother once said “If you don’t pay attention to age, then it won’t pay attention to you.” And she says it, and it sounds nice, but I don’t buy it.
I don’t need a man. But I’m happier with one. I like to have someone I can touch and squeeze and kiss. But I don’t fold up and die if I don’t have a man around.
I have a belief: What belongs to you, comes to you.
My mother was the most creative, fantastic person and would come up with great things for us to do. She’d buy art supplies and all of us would sit around painting. I was lucky.
Men are a luxury, not a necessity.
It’s a dirty job being ridiculous, but I’ll do it.