Laughter is the most beautiful and beneficial therapy God ever granted humanity.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLLaughter is the most beautiful and beneficial therapy God ever granted humanity.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLTimes may be hard and people may be demanding, but never forget that life is special. Every single day is a special day. God is at work in you!
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLAnything under God’s control is never out of control.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLHope is like an anchor. Our hope in Christ stabilizes us in the storms of life, but unlike an anchor, it does not hold us back.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLWe shouldn’t deny the pain of what happens in our lives. We should just refuse to focus only on the valleys.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLIf you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLL10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how you react.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLIf God’s people are to be living examples of one thing, that thing ought to be – it must be – compassion.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLPeople who inspire others are those who see invisible bridges at the end of dead-end streets
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLGod will never adjust His agenda to fit ours. He will not speed up His pace to catch up with ours; we need to slow our pace in order to recover our walk with Him. God will not scream and shout over the noisy clamor; He expects us to seek quietness, where His still small voice can be heard again.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLIt’s not enough merely to believe there is a God. You must believe in the God who is there.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLIf you are having difficulty loving or relating to an individual, take him to God. Bother the Lord with this person. Don’t you be bothered with him – leave him at the throne.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLWe continually encounter hardships. People disappoint us. We disappoint ourselves. But God is constant and compassionate. We are not alone. He cares. Against all reason, the transcendent God loves us so much that He has committed Himself to us.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLIf we choose to be offended when we don’t get our own way, Then we’re going to live constantly on the edge of anger. But if we say to ourselves, ” A merry heart does good like a medicine,” It’ll make all the difference in the world.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLBattles are won in the trenches, in the grit and grime of courageous determination; they are won day by day in the arena of life.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLEncouragement is awesome. Think about it. It has the capacity to lift a man’s or a woman’s shoulders. To breathe fresh air into the fading embers of a smoldering dream. To actually change the course of another human being’s day, week, or life.