Believing in grace is one thing. Living it is another.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLBelieving in grace is one thing. Living it is another.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLBecause God gave you your makeup and superintended every moment of your past, including all the hardship, pain, and struggles, He wants to use your words in a unique manner. No one else can speak through your vocal cords, and, equally important, no one else has your story.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLDon’t get older; get better: Live realistically. Give generously. Adapt willingly. Trust fearlessly. Rejoice daily.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLGod’s heavenly plan doesn’t always make earthly sense.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLOne of the marks of maturity is the ability to disagree without becoming disagreeable.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLDon’t expect wisdom to come into your life like great chunks of rock on a conveyor belt. Wisdom comes privately from God as a byproduct of right decisions, godly reactions, and the application of spiritual principles to daily circumstances.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLPrayer is an investment. The time you dedicate to prayer isn’t lost; it will return dividends far greater than what a few moments spent on a task ever could. If we fail to cultivate this discipline, prayer winds up being our last resort rather than our first response.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLGod will never adjust His agenda to fit ours. He will not speed up His pace to catch up with ours; we need to slow our pace in order to recover our walk with Him. God will not scream and shout over the noisy clamor; He expects us to seek quietness, where His still small voice can be heard again.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLWe really shouldn’t look like a church.’ I’ve heard that so much I want to vomit. ‘Why?’ I ask. ‘Do you want your bank to look like a bank? Do you want your doctor’s office to look like a doctor’s office, or would you prefer your doctor to dress like a clown?’
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLOh, how horrible our sins look when they are committed by someone else.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLDo you need strength? Peace? Wisdom? Direction? Discipline? Ask for it! God will hear you.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLGod never asked us to meet life’s pressures and demands on our own terms or by relying upon our own strength. Nor did He demands that we win His favor by assembling an impressive portfolio of good deeds. Instead, He invites us to enter His rest.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLFaith does not change my circumstances; faith changes me. Faith may not bring in the tuition check when I need it, but faith will give me what it takes to hang on.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLIt’s not enough merely to believe there is a God. You must believe in the God who is there.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLI believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my choice of attitude. It is more important than my past, my education, my bankroll, my successes or failures, fame or pain, what other people think of me or say about me, my circumstances, or my position.
CHARLES R. SWINDOLLToday is unique! It has never occurred and it will never be repeated. At midnight it will end, quietly, suddenly, totally. Forever. But the hours between now and then are opportunities with eternal possibilities.