One who is in search of knowledge should give up the search of pleasure and the one who is in search of pleasure should give up the search of knowledge.
CHANAKYAReligion is preserved by wealth; knowledge by diligent practice; a king by conciliatory words; and a home by a dutiful housewife.
More Chanakya Quotes
If a king is energetic, his subjects will be equally energetic.
Rain which falls upon the sea is useless; so is food for one who is satiated; in vain is a gift for one who is wealthy; and a burning lamp during the daytime is useless.
Low class men desire wealth;middle class men both wealth and respect; but the noble, honour only; hence honour is the noble man’s true wealth.
The wise man should restrain his senses like the crane and accomplish his purpose with due knowledge of his place, time and ability.
The poor wish for wealth; animals for the faculty of speech; men wish for heaven; and godly persons for liberation.
Avoid him who talks sweetly before you but tries to ruin you behind your back, for he is like a pitcher of poison with milk on top.
He who wears unclean garments, has dirty teeth, is a glutton, speaks unkindly and sleeps after sunrise – although he may be the greatest personality – will lose the favour of Lakshmi.
Women have hunger two-fold, shyness four-fold, daring six-fold, and lust eight-fold as compared to men.
What vice could be worse than covetousness? What is more sinful than slander? For one who is truthful, what need is there for austerity? For one who has a clean heart, what is the need for pilgrimage?
Purity of speech, of the mind, of the senses, and of a compassionate heart are needed by one who desires to rise to the divine platform.
He who has wealth has friends.
The one excellent thing that can be learned from a lion is that whatever a man intends doing should be done by him with a whole-hearted and strenuous effort.
The king shall lose no time when the opportunity waited for arrives.
He who runs away from a fearful calamity, a foreign invasion, a terrible famine, and the companionship of wicked men is safe.
A man attains greatness by his merits, not simply by occupying an exalted seat. Can we call a crow an eagle simply because he sits on the top of a tall building?