A thing may be dreaded as long as it has not overtaken you.
CHANAKYAThere is some self-interest behind every friendship. There is no friendship without self-interests. This is a bitter truth.
More Chanakya Quotes
He who wears unclean garments, has dirty teeth, is a glutton, speaks unkindly and sleeps after sunrise – although he may be the greatest personality – will lose the favour of Lakshmi.
How well you treat the wicked people, they don’t give up their wickedness. They derive pleasure in hurting others. A serpent made to drink milk, it ejects poison only.
Learning is a friend on the journey; a wife in the house; medicine in sickness; and religious merit is the only friend after death.
The low minded are fond of deception the nature of low-minded people never changes.
The serpent, the king, the tiger, the stinging wasp, the small child, the dog owned by other people, and the fool: these seven ought not to be awakened from sleep.
Knowledge is lost without putting it into practice; a man is lost due to ignorance; an army is lost without a commander; and a woman is lost without a husband.
Evil person causes harm even if treated well.
He who is overly attached to his family members experiences fear and sorrow, for the root of all grief is attachment. Thus one should discard attachment to be happy.
Women have hunger two-fold, shyness four-fold, daring six-fold, and lust eight-fold as compared to men.
Those base men who speak of the secret faults of others destroy themselves like serpents that stray onto anthills.
The one excellent thing that can be learned from a lion is that whatever a man intends doing should be done by him with a whole-hearted and strenuous effort.
That man who is without religion and mercy should be rejected. A guru without spiritual knowledge should be rejected. The wife with an offensive face should be given up, and so should relatives who are without affection.
The world’s biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman.
There are three gems upon this earth; food, water, and pleasing words – fools consider pieces of rocks as gems.
A low-minded person should not be given good advice.