The world’s biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman.
CHANAKYAWhat vice could be worse than covetousness? What is more sinful than slander? For one who is truthful, what need is there for austerity? For one who has a clean heart, what is the need for pilgrimage?
More Chanakya Quotes
Our bodies are perishable, wealth is not at all permanent and death is always nearby. Therefore we must immediately engage in acts of merit.
As a single withered tree, if set aflame, causes a whole forest to burn, so does a rascal son destroy a whole family.
Let not a single day pass without your learning a verse, half a verse, or a fourth of it, or even one letter of it; nor without attending to charity, study and other pious activity.
Union in privacy (with one’s wife); boldness; storing away useful items; watchfulness; and not easily trusting others; these five things are to be learned from a crow.
He who is overly attached to his family members experiences fear and sorrow, for the root of all grief is attachment. Thus one should discard attachment to be happy.
Wealth, a friend, a wife, and a kingdom may be regained; but this body when lost may never be acquired again.
He who gives up shyness in monetary dealings, in acquiring knowledge, in eating and in business, becomes happy.
He who has wealth has friends.
A permanent relationship is dependent on particular purpose or wealth.
Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, comes of Her own accord where fools are not respected, grain is well stored up, and the husband and wife do not quarrel.
Rain which falls upon the sea is useless; so is food for one who is satiated; in vain is a gift for one who is wealthy; and a burning lamp during the daytime is useless.
They (low-minded) ones should never be trusted.
The earth is supported by the power of truth; it is the power of truth that makes the sun shine and the winds blow; indeed all things rest upon truth.
Prosperity lasts long for one who acts after proper consideration.
If a king is energetic, his subjects will be equally energetic.