For good days one should save money, women should be protected even if it takes the money saved. But for self preservation the money and the women should be sacrificed!!
CHANAKYAAn egoist can be won over by being respected, a crazy person can be won over by allowing him to behave in an insane manner and a wise person can be won over by truth.
More Chanakya Quotes
Offspring, friends and relatives flee from a devotee of the Lord: yet those who follow him bring merit to their families through their devotion.
Union in privacy (with one’s wife); boldness; storing away useful items; watchfulness; and not easily trusting others; these five things are to be learned from a crow.
Religion is preserved by wealth; knowledge by diligent practice; a king by conciliatory words; and a home by a dutiful housewife.
The serpent, the king, the tiger, the stinging wasp, the small child, the dog owned by other people, and the fool: these seven ought not to be awakened from sleep.
Do not reveal what you have thought upon doing, but by wise council keep it secret being determined to carry it into execution.
Treat your kid like a darling for the first five years. For the next five years, scold them. By the time they turn sixteen, treat them like a friend. Your grown up children are your best friends.
The life of an uneducated man is as useless as the tail of a dog which neither covers its rear end, nor protects it from the bites of insects.
What good can the scriptures do to a man who has no sense of his own? Of what use is as mirror to a blind man?
The foolish wish to speak out what was spoken in secret by the master.
A ruler wishing to win should not trust a captured enemy even if he may be extending had to be friend. Because deep rooted enmity, however, concealed, will surely come to light.
Beauty is spoiled by an immoral nature; noble birth by bad conduct; learning, without being perfected; and wealth by not being properly utilised.
Virtuous persons and fruit-laden trees bow, but fools and dry sticks break because they do not bend.
A friend, even if he be the enemy’s son , should be protected.
God is not present in idols. Your feelings are your god. The soul is your temple.
A learned man is honored by the people. A learned man commands respect everywhere for his learning. Indeed, learning is honored everywhere.