Sinfully acquired wealth may remain for ten years; in the eleventh year it disappears with even the original stock.
CHANAKYAThe wise man should restrain his senses like the crane and accomplish his purpose with due knowledge of his place, time and ability.
More Chanakya Quotes
Union in privacy (with one’s wife); boldness; storing away useful items; watchfulness; and not easily trusting others; these five things are to be learned from a crow.
Our bodies are perishable, wealth is not at all permanent and death is always nearby. Therefore we must immediately engage in acts of merit.
Religion is preserved by wealth; knowledge by diligent practice; a king by conciliatory words; and a home by a dutiful housewife.
Religion is preserved by wealth; knowledge by diligent practice; a king by conciliatory words; and a home by a dutiful housewife.
Beauty is spoiled by an immoral nature; noble birth by bad conduct; learning, without being perfected; and wealth by not being properly utilised.
Accumulated wealth is saved by spending just as incoming fresh water is saved by letting out stagnant water.
This world is a bitter tree, it has only two sweet nectar like fruits – one is soft voice and the other is company of gentlemen.
Learning is a friend on the journey; a wife in the house; medicine in sickness; and religious merit is the only friend after death.
Those born blind cannot see; similarly blind are those in the grip of lust. Proud men have no perception of evil; and those bent on acquiring riches see no sin in their actions.
A still-born son is superior to a foolish son endowed with a long life. The first causes grief for but a moment while the latter like a blazing fire consumes his parents in grief for life.
The wise man should restrain his senses like the crane and accomplish his purpose with due knowledge of his place, time and ability.
Once you start a working on something, don’t be afraid of failure and don’t abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest.
A ruler wishing to win should not trust a captured enemy even if he may be extending had to be friend. Because deep rooted enmity, however, concealed, will surely come to light.
Those base men who speak of the secret faults of others destroy themselves like serpents that stray onto anthills.
The low minded are fond of deception the nature of low-minded people never changes.