It is better to live under a tree in a jungle inhabited by tigers and elephants, to maintain oneself in such a place with ripe fruits and spring water, to lie down on grass and to wear the ragged barks of trees than to live amongst one’s relations when reduced to poverty.
CHANAKYAThose born blind cannot see; similarly blind are those in the grip of lust. Proud men have no perception of evil; and those bent on acquiring riches see no sin in their actions.
More Chanakya Quotes
Water is the medicine for indigestion; it is invigorating when the food that is eaten is well digested; it is like nectar when drunk in the middle of a dinner; and it is like poison when taken at the end of a meal.
The forest fire burns even tree like sandalwood.
Offspring, friends and relatives flee from a devotee of the Lord: yet those who follow him bring merit to their families through their devotion.
Virtuous persons and fruit-laden trees bow, but fools and dry sticks break because they do not bend.
Test a servant while in the discharge of his duty, a relative in difficulty, a friend in adversity, and a wife in misfortune.
A man attains greatness by his merits, not simply by occupying an exalted seat. Can we call a crow an eagle simply because he sits on the top of a tall building?
One whose knowledge is confined to books and whose wealth is in the possession of others, can use neither his knowledge nor wealth when the need for them arises.
Brass is polished by ashes; copper is cleaned by tamarind; a woman, by her menses; and a river by its flow.
Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous.
Although an ass is tired, he continues to carry his burden; he is unmindful of cold and heat; and he is always contented; these three things should be learned from the ass.
A person becomes great not be sitting on some high seat, but through higher qualities. Can a crow become an eagle by simply sitting on the top of a palatial building?
As a single withered tree, if set aflame, causes a whole forest to burn, so does a rascal son destroy a whole family.
A learned man is honored by the people. A learned man commands respect everywhere for his learning. Indeed, learning is honored everywhere.
Our bodies are perishable, wealth is not at all permanent and death is always nearby. Therefore we must immediately engage in acts of merit.
He who runs away from a fearful calamity, a foreign invasion, a terrible famine, and the companionship of wicked men is safe.