What good is a cow that neither gives milk nor conceives? Similarly, what is the value of the birth of a son if he becomes neither learned nor a pure devotee of the Lord?
CHANAKYAA low-minded person should not be given good advice.
More Chanakya Quotes
He who wears unclean garments, has dirty teeth, is a glutton, speaks unkindly and sleeps after sunrise – although he may be the greatest personality – will lose the favour of Lakshmi.
A friend, even if he be the enemy’s son , should be protected.
Union in privacy (with one’s wife); boldness; storing away useful items; watchfulness; and not easily trusting others; these five things are to be learned from a crow.
Religion is preserved by wealth; knowledge by diligent practice; a king by conciliatory words; and a home by a dutiful housewife.
The one excellent thing that can be learned from a lion is that whatever a man intends doing should be done by him with a whole-hearted and strenuous effort.
The wise man should restrain his senses like the crane and accomplish his purpose with due knowledge of his place, time and ability.
This world is a bitter tree, it has only two sweet nectar like fruits – one is soft voice and the other is company of gentlemen.
Avoid him who talks sweetly before you but tries to ruin you behind your back, for he is like a pitcher of poison with milk on top.
Skills are called hidden treasure as they save like a mother in a foreign country.
Virtuous persons and fruit-laden trees bow, but fools and dry sticks break because they do not bend.
A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first.
That man who is without religion and mercy should be rejected. A guru without spiritual knowledge should be rejected. The wife with an offensive face should be given up, and so should relatives who are without affection.
He who has wealth has friends.
He who gives up shyness in monetary dealings, in acquiring knowledge, in eating and in business, becomes happy.
When one is consumed by the sorrows of life, three things give him relief: offspring, a wife, and the company of the Lord’s devotees.