Low class men desire wealth;middle class men both wealth and respect; but the noble, honour only; hence honour is the noble man’s true wealth.
CHANAKYAA low-minded person should not be given good advice.
More Chanakya Quotes
Those base men who speak of the secret faults of others destroy themselves like serpents that stray onto anthills.
He who look at a woman who is not his wife as a mother; wealth that is not his as dust and all the men as himself… is a happy man. He, who sees all these things under a different light, is a blind.
The poor wish for wealth; animals for the faculty of speech; men wish for heaven; and godly persons for liberation.
A still-born son is superior to a foolish son endowed with a long life. The first causes grief for but a moment while the latter like a blazing fire consumes his parents in grief for life.
He who wears unclean garments, has dirty teeth, is a glutton, speaks unkindly and sleeps after sunrise – although he may be the greatest personality – will lose the favour of Lakshmi.
Our bodies are perishable, wealth is not at all permanent and death is always nearby. Therefore we must immediately engage in acts of merit.
If a king is energetic, his subjects will be equally energetic.
The low minded are fond of deception the nature of low-minded people never changes.
A low-minded person should not be given good advice.
Poverty, disease, sorrow, imprisonment and other evils are the fruits borne by the tree of one’s own sins.
Enemies strike at weak points.
The earth is supported by the power of truth; it is the power of truth that makes the sun shine and the winds blow; indeed all things rest upon truth.
There is no disease so destructive as lust.
One who is in search of knowledge should give up the search of pleasure and the one who is in search of pleasure should give up the search of knowledge.
Although an ass is tired, he continues to carry his burden; he is unmindful of cold and heat; and he is always contented; these three things should be learned from the ass.