The vows that woman makes to her fond lover are only fit to be written on air or on the swiftly passing stream.
CATULLUSWhat women say to lovers, you’ll agree, One writes on running water or on air.
More Catullus Quotes
Away with you, water, destruction of wine!
We see not our own backs.
I hate and I love. Perchance you ask why I do that. I know not, but I feel that I do and I am tortured. [Lat., Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris. Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.]
Now Spring restores the balmy heat, now Zephyr’s sweet breezes calm the rage of the equinoctial sky.
There is nothing more foolish than a foolish laugh.
I hate and love. And why, perhaps you’ll ask. I don’t know: but I feel, and I’m tormented.
Away with you, water, destruction of wine!
I hate and I love, and who can tell me why?
But you shall not escape my iambics.
So a maiden, whilst she remains untouched, so long is she dear to her own; when she has lost her chaste flower with sullied body, she remains neither lovely to boys nor dear to girls.
It is difficult to suddenly give up a long love. Difficile est longum subito deponere amorem
What a woman says to an eager lover, write it on running water, write it on air.
I hate and love. You ask, perhaps, how can that be? I know not, but I feel the agony.
What woman says to fond lover should be written on air or the swift water. [Lat., Mulier cupido quod dicit amanti, In vento et rapida scribere oportet aqua.]
My lady’s sparrow is dead, the sparrow which was my lady’s delight