I love to cry. It’s such a great release. If I’m just tired – jetlagged, I didn’t get any sleep, I want to cry. I think it’s important to cry.
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I love to cry. It’s such a great release. If I’m just tired – jetlagged, I didn’t get any sleep, I want to cry. I think it’s important to cry.
CAMERON DIAZScript for an actor is like a bible. You carry it with you, you read it over and over, you go to your passages.
CAMERON DIAZWhen I go out, I love steak and caviar.
CAMERON DIAZThere’s a little part of you at all times that hopes to be somewhat objectified, and I think it’s healthy.
CAMERON DIAZFriendships I think can also be soul mates.
CAMERON DIAZI believe there are many soul mates, because my soul has a lot of different facets and it needs a lot of different.
CAMERON DIAZI’m not looking for a husband or marriage or not not looking for that stuff. I’m living, not thinking what I should or shouldn’t be doing with my life.
CAMERON DIAZI just love the fact that a man possesses something that a woman can never understand because we don’t have the experiences of it and that a woman possesses something that the man doesn’t understand because only she possesses it.
CAMERON DIAZActing allows me to tell a lot of stories, you know start at the beginning, finish at the end, and tell everything in between. Modelling is just an image.
CAMERON DIAZBeauty [is] a kind of radiance. People who possess a true inner beauty, their eyes are a little brighter, their skin a little more dewy. They vibrate at a different frequency.
CAMERON DIAZI don’t care how smart a kid you are. The only way you learn what’s not right is from experience.
CAMERON DIAZThere’s something about moonlight on the body and things happening sort of free and open. Outdoors is something I’m totally game and down for.
CAMERON DIAZWhenever I don’t’ have to wear makeup, it’s a good day.
CAMERON DIAZWe’ve all gone through some kind of betrayal, whether it’s with a boyfriend or a friend or a family member. That’s why this is so relatable to everybody because we all know what it feels like to feel that betrayal.
CAMERON DIAZThe fountain of youth for me, let’s see…I guess it’s exercise, healthy diet, lots of water, lots of laughter, lots of sex – yes, sex, we need that as human beings. It’s healthy, it’s natural, it’s what we are here to do!
CAMERON DIAZThe truth has no temperature.