Do not ignore your ‘me days’.
C.R.WDo not waste your time trying to fill your feet in shoes not meant for you.
More C.R.W Quotes
Too much energy is dedicated to worrying instead of applying.
C.R.W -
I am so much more than another broken heart.
C.R.W -
Good deeds often have the greatest snowball effects.
C.R.W -
Put aside one hour for yourself everyday. You deserve to enjoy your own company.
C.R.W -
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but please, take the time to heal.
C.R.W -
Learning is the most powerful tool we will ever have.
C.R.W -
I worry for our future generations. There is too much hate and not enough love.
C.R.W -
Boundaries are not walls. Please know the difference.
C.R.W -
Patient people prosper.
C.R.W -
We live in a time filled with noise but with exceptionally few listeners.
C.R.W -
Their opinion has no power of you.
C.R.W -
Our darkest moments are linked to our brightest accomplishments.
C.R.W -
Normalize taking a moment out of your day to meditate or pray on the trials of your life.
C.R.W -
Make your healing a religion.
C.R.W -
You are worth it. You are worth saving.