Start small but think big. You can come far on your journey by making little steps.
C.R. ELLIOTTRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
Start small but think big. You can come far on your journey by making little steps.
C.R. ELLIOTTI want to get lost with you, the kind of lost where we find ourselves.
C.R. ELLIOTTI want you to bury your sorrows in the depths of my embrace.
C.R. ELLIOTTI love you in the evening, I miss you in the morning and in between, I run wild with you in my dreams.
C.R. ELLIOTTYou deserve all of what you think makes you unworthy.
C.R. ELLIOTTYou are a beautiful rose, and strong like a mountain. So don’t let anyone rob you of your petals, and take away your colors that you hold so dear, next to your beating heart.
C.R. ELLIOTTI swear the stars align at night just to see you smile.
C.R. ELLIOTTYou can pick my flower but my roots will remain and I will keep blooming – there is no stopping me now.
C.R. ELLIOTTIts okay to change your mind.
C.R. ELLIOTTKnow it in your heart that even the brightest days started out in darkness.
C.R. ELLIOTTNever give too much of yourself to someone else – the power should always stay with you.
C.R. ELLIOTTAll I need is your touch to feel alive and to get drunk off your presence.
C.R. ELLIOTTThere was this wild beauty inside her that tamed my demons and made them dream of halos.
C.R. ELLIOTTYour love was the kind of love too beautiful to touch and too wild to let go.
C.R. ELLIOTTIn this mad world of ours we need a little wild love.
C.R. ELLIOTTAll I want is you and me wrapped in embrace for all eternity.