Change shouldn’t scare you, but the thought of staying the same should.
C.R. ELLIOTTRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
Change shouldn’t scare you, but the thought of staying the same should.
C.R. ELLIOTTTake it easy on yourself, your soul has been through enough.
C.R. ELLIOTTI got lost in her eyes and frankly I was exactly where I wanted to be.
C.R. ELLIOTTWhile others tried to tame her wild, she carries inside her, I only wished I could be a part of it.
C.R. ELLIOTTI swear the stars align at night just to see you smile.
C.R. ELLIOTTI want to get lost with you, the kind of lost where we find ourselves.
C.R. ELLIOTTDo your soul a favor and smile with your heart.
C.R. ELLIOTTSave your energy, protect your light, fuel your fire.
C.R. ELLIOTTLet them go, but keep yourself whole.
C.R. ELLIOTTThere was this wild beauty inside her that tamed my demons and made them dream of halos.
C.R. ELLIOTTThe fire in your bones, will fuel the light in your heart that will make flowers bloom from your soul.
C.R. ELLIOTTDarling, you don’t fear love, you fear of loving wrong.
C.R. ELLIOTTIts okay to change your mind.
C.R. ELLIOTTDon’t worry my dear, the sun will rise again and so will your heart from these dark places.
C.R. ELLIOTTAll I need is your touch to feel alive and to get drunk off your presence.
C.R. ELLIOTTShe’s the one that is always there, the one that carried you inside and gave you life.