All I want is you and me wrapped in embrace for all eternity.
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All I want is you and me wrapped in embrace for all eternity.
C.R. ELLIOTTIt kills me to know, that I healed your broken heart just so you could walk away and beat someone else’s name.
C.R. ELLIOTTShe’s a queen that grew in storms. Her heart may be drenched in rain, but her soul holds power of thunder, so you better pray you never see her lightening.
C.R. ELLIOTTLet them go, but keep yourself whole.
C.R. ELLIOTTGive yourself a moment, to breathe, to love, to heal and to live.
C.R. ELLIOTTFirst you must build a home in yourself before you start inviting people in.
C.R. ELLIOTTShe is the storm and the rainbow that comes after.
C.R. ELLIOTTYour love was more of a funeral of hearts than a union of souls.
C.R. ELLIOTTSave your energy, protect your light, fuel your fire.
C.R. ELLIOTTI carry you do deep inside my heart that with every heartbeat I hear an echo of your name.
C.R. ELLIOTTI am done begging people to stay in my life and I am done begging to be a part of theirs.
C.R. ELLIOTTIn this body I built a temple, in this skin I found a home.
C.R. ELLIOTTDon’t lose hope of seeing the top of the mountain just because there are some clouds in the way – this moment is not your forever.
C.R. ELLIOTTShe’s the one that is always there, the one that carried you inside and gave you life.
C.R. ELLIOTTYou can pick my flower but my roots will remain and I will keep blooming – there is no stopping me now.
C.R. ELLIOTTI swear the stars align at night just to see you smile.