What attracts the photographer is precisely the chance to penetrate inside phenomena, to uncover forms…
BRASSAI… we photographers are nothing but a pack of crooks, thieves and voyeurs.
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In the absence of a subject with which you are passionately involved, and without the excitement that drives you to grasp it and exhaust it, you may take some beautiful pictures, but not a photographic oeuvre.
To me photography must suggest, not insist or explain.
My ambition was always to show aspects of daily life as if we were seeing them for the first time.
My images were surreal simply in the sense that my vision brought out the fantastic dimension of reality.
The precise instant of creation is when you choose the subject. (meaning that the essential thing occurs at the moment when he, the photographer, meets the reality he wishes to capture.
André Kertész has two qualities that are essential for a great photographer: an insatiable curiosity about the world, about people, and about life, and a precise sense of form.
Photography is the very conscience of painting. It constantly reminds the later of what it must not do.
My only aim was to express reality, for there is nothing more surreal than reality itself. If reality fails to fill us with wonder, it is because we have fallen into the habit of seeing it as ordinary.
I think education and intelligence (are) important, but not art. Not artistic education.
… we photographers are nothing but a pack of crooks, thieves and voyeurs.
The wall, safe haven for what is forbidden, gives a voice to all those who would, without it, be condemned to silence
We are to be found everywhere we are not wanted; we betray secrets that were never entrusted to us; we spy shamelessly on things that are not our business; And end up the hoarders of a vast quantity of stolen goods.
A poor photographer meets chance one out of a hundred times and a good photographer meets chance all the time.
If you take your inspiration from nature, you don’t invent anything, because what you want to do is to interpret something.
For me the criterion of a good photograph is that it is unforgettable.