If you take a wrong step but you’re still in that football position, you can just react and change directions. I think for the most part young guys need to work on their football position.
BRANDON SPIKESI put a couple of 45 pound weights on it and just go until I can’t feel my VMO muscles (Vastus Medialis Oblique.) That’s the muscle right next to your knee, on the inside.
More Brandon Spikes Quotes
I put a couple of 45 pound weights on it and just go until I can’t feel my VMO muscles (Vastus Medialis Oblique.) That’s the muscle right next to your knee, on the inside.
I like to bike a lot and do some 300s here and there. Really, I love to bike though. I like being outside and moving around, seeing the good scenery around Miami and such.
Get in their stance and hold it as long as possible. Work on your flexibility, especially in the hips, so you can hold that longer. A good football position will help you be more mobile and give you better leverage in the trenches.
If your legs are strong it definitely gives you an advantage coming down hill. As far as specific workouts go, I get a kick out of sled pulls and driving the sled.
I’ve been juicing lately, making different smoothies and such. It was interesting, and tough at first, but it’s been doing wonders for me.