The right to be irresponsible and stupid is something I hold very dear. And luckily it is something I do well.
BONOBooks! I dunno if I ever told you this, but books are the greatest gift one person can give another.
More Bono Quotes
It’s much easier to be successful than it is to be relevant. The tricks won’t keep you relevant. Tricks might keep you popular for a while, but in all honesty,
Facts, like people, want to be free – and when they’re free, liberty is usually around the corner.
It’s annoying, but justice and equality are mates. Aren’t they? Justice always wants to hang out with equality. And equality is a real pain.
What turns me on about the digital age, what excited me personally, is that you have closed the gap between dreaming and doing. You see, it used to be that if you wanted to make a record of a song, you needed a studio and a producer. Now, you need a laptop.
In my dream, I was drowning my sorrows But my sorrows they learned to swim
But more than anything else, for the British folks Irish people were all terrorists. So when we went to Britain, it was always a lot of resistance to U2. And that’s why we came to America.
Where you live in the world should not determine whether you live in the world.
I’ve learned to speak in a lot of tongues, and I can live with the bellicose language of some fervent, fire-breathing Christians, sure.
Rock stars are good at making noise.
I don’t know how U2 will stay relevant. I know we’ve got a future. I know we can fill stadiums. And yet with every record, I think, ‘Is this it? Are we still relevant?’
But with Christ, we have access in a one-to-one relationship, for, as in the Old Testament, it was more one of worship and awe, a vertical relationship.
Happy the country that lives on nothing but its wits; cursed be the one that thinks it can get rich by planting or digging or drilling for wealth.
Music fills in for words a lot of the time when people don’t know what to say, and I think music can be more eloquent than words.
In general people put too much faith in the rich, the famous, the politicians, and not enough faith in themselves.
I’m as skeptical as anyone would be about celebrities and causes – and I will dare to say to you that I don’t think of myself as a celebrity per se.