Music fills in for words a lot of the time when people don’t know what to say, and I think music can be more eloquent than words.
BONOMusic fills in for words a lot of the time when people don’t know what to say, and I think music can be more eloquent than words.
More Bono Quotes
But with Christ, we have access in a one-to-one relationship, for, as in the Old Testament, it was more one of worship and awe, a vertical relationship.
You can never completely fill that hole-you can try with songs,family,faith and by living a full life…but when things are silent, you can still hear the hissing of what’s missing.
Even though I’m a believer, I still find it really hard to be around other believers. They make me nervous, they make me twitch. I sorta watch my back.
I put Catholic guilt to work pretty good for a rich rock star.
My understanding of the Scriptures has been made simple by the person of Christ.
The idea that there is one kind of African is of course ridiculous. Sometimes African entrepreneurs want to kill you because you are saying public health is the priority, not roads.
U2 is sort of song writing by accident really. We don’t really know what we’re doing and when we do, it doesn’t seem to help.
I’m a musician. I write songs. I just hope when the day is done I’ve been able to tear a little corner off of the darkness.
If I don’t understand it, it must be art.
It’s still very difficult for me to rely. Your weakness, the blessing of your weakness is it forces you into friendships. The things that you lack, you look for in others.
Christians are hard to tolerate; I don’t know how Jesus does it
Sometimes religion gets in the way of God.
If September 11th has taught us anything, it’s certainly that the world has never been so interdependent. It is impossible now to be an island of prosperity in a sea of despair.
Because you know when you first become famous, you start walking a little different because people are staring at you.
Laughter is eternity if joy is real.