The French are so into themselves that they don’t even notice you.
BONOSometimes religion gets in the way of God.
More Bono Quotes
I get to hear the really good or the really bad things in the press, but I don’t read it. I can afford to say that because public opinion does not drive U2’s audience.
It’s stasis that kills you off in the end, not ambition.
You’ve got to watch the politics of AIDS. The politics of AIDS can work both for and against the victims of AIDS.
It’s so sweet, I feel like my teeth are rotting when I listen to the radio.
I don’t know how U2 will stay relevant. I know we’ve got a future. I know we can fill stadiums. And yet with every record, I think, ‘Is this it? Are we still relevant?’
I do see the good in people, but I also see the bad — I see it in myself. I know what I’m capable of. Good and bad. It’s very imnportant that we make that clear. Just because I often find a way around the darkness doesn’t mean tjat I don’t know it’s there. (Bono)
Let’s not bequeath the pop charts to just children.
I’ve learned to speak in a lot of tongues, and I can live with the bellicose language of some fervent, fire-breathing Christians, sure.
The less you know, the more you believe.
You can never completely fill that hole-you can try with songs,family,faith and by living a full life…but when things are silent, you can still hear the hissing of what’s missing.
Happy the country that lives on nothing but its wits; cursed be the one that thinks it can get rich by planting or digging or drilling for wealth.
The great moments of rock ‘n’ roll were never off in some corner of the music world, in a self-constructed ghetto.
God is so big. It’s a gigantic concept in God.
The great gifts of models are not that they’re more beautiful than the next person, it’s that they’re able to be photographed and not be self-conscious.
Convictions, in the end, they can be dangerous, but a world without them is just kind of an awful kind of gray, amorphous mass.