The less you know, the more you believe.
BONOLet’s not bequeath the pop charts to just children.
More Bono Quotes
Every artist is a cannibal/every poet is a thief/all kill for inspiration/and then sing about the grief.
U2 was involved in Live Aid, and I ended up going to Ethiopia and working there for some time with my wife, Ali.
As a musician and a songwriter it is an act of the ego to believe that other people might be interested in your point of view. But it is usually an empathetic nature that gets you going in the first place. Music keeps the heart porous in many ways.
The idea that there is one kind of African is of course ridiculous. Sometimes African entrepreneurs want to kill you because you are saying public health is the priority, not roads.
I have been working for Africans since I was 18, when I got involved with the Nelson Mandela concerts. I got involved with debt cancellation because Desmond Tutu demanded that the world respond to that situation.
If you pour your life into songs, you want them to be heard. It’s a desire to communicate. A deep desire to communicate inspires songwriting.
I’m a musician. I write songs. I just hope when the day is done I’ve been able to tear a little corner off of the darkness.
Religion can be the enemy of God. It’s often what happens when God, like Elvis, has left the building.
In general people put too much faith in the rich, the famous, the politicians, and not enough faith in themselves.
To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.
The idea that God might love us and be interested in us is kind of huge and gigantic, but we turn it, because we’re small-minded, into this tiny, petty, often greedy version of God, that is religion.
The only person who ever called me Paul was my father, so I always associate it with doing something wrong, you know. So, you know, occasionally, people will come up to me on the street and try to, you know, ingratiate themselves and call me Paul. I don’t like it, actually.
What I like about pop music, and why I’m still attracted to it, is that in the end it becomes our folk music.
You’ve got to watch the politics of AIDS. The politics of AIDS can work both for and against the victims of AIDS.
Even though I’m a believer, I still find it really hard to be around other believers. They make me nervous, they make me twitch. I sorta watch my back.