When those people get up at the Grammys and say, “I thank God”, I always imagine God going, “Oh, don’t, please don’t thank me for that one. Please, oh, that’s an awful one! Don’t thank me for that – that’s a piece of crap !”
BONOThe only person who ever called me Paul was my father, so I always associate it with doing something wrong, you know. So, you know, occasionally, people will come up to me on the street and try to, you know, ingratiate themselves and call me Paul. I don’t like it, actually.
More Bono Quotes
I put Catholic guilt to work pretty good for a rich rock star.
Stop asking God to bless what you’re doing. Find out what God’s doing. It’s already blessed.
Rock stars are good at making noise.
It’s quite widespread in rock culture, that mythology of the shooting star. I’d rather be the North star. As bob (Dylan) says, you can navigate by it.
Distance does not decide who is your brother and who is not. The church is going to have to become the conscience of the free market if it’s to have any meaning in this world – and stop being its apologist.
Celebrity is ridiculous and silly and it’s mad that people like me are listened to – you know, rap stars and movie stars.
The fact is that ours is the first generation that can look disease and extreme poverty in the eye, look across the ocean to Africa, and say this, and mean it. We do not have to stand for this. A whole continent written off – we do not have to stand for this.
If I don’t understand it, it must be art.
Religion can be the enemy of God. It’s often what happens when God, like Elvis, has left the building.
Facts, like people, want to be free – and when they’re free, liberty is usually around the corner.
The great gifts of models are not that they’re more beautiful than the next person, it’s that they’re able to be photographed and not be self-conscious.
The extraction of oil, coal and minerals brought, and still brings, a cost to the environment.
Happy the country that lives on nothing but its wits; cursed be the one that thinks it can get rich by planting or digging or drilling for wealth.
It’s annoying, but justice and equality are mates. Aren’t they? Justice always wants to hang out with equality. And equality is a real pain.
What I like about pop music, and why I’m still attracted to it, is that in the end it becomes our folk music.