Music can change the world because it can change people.
BONOIt’s stasis that kills you off in the end, not ambition.
More Bono Quotes
Marriage is this grand madness, and I think if people knew that, they would perhaps take it more seriously.
The French are so into themselves that they don’t even notice you.
In my dream, I was drowning my sorrows But my sorrows they learned to swim
It’s so sweet, I feel like my teeth are rotting when I listen to the radio.
Essentially, I’m a very real person; good and bad. And the public image is one of being very good,
U2 is an original species… there are colours and feelings and emotional terrain that we occupy that is ours and ours alone.
Stop asking God to bless what you’re doing. Find out what God’s doing. It’s already blessed.
Even though I’m a believer, I still find it really hard to be around other believers. They make me nervous, they make me twitch. I sorta watch my back.
U2 is sort of song writing by accident really. We don’t really know what we’re doing and when we do, it doesn’t seem to help.
We thought that we had the answers, it was the questions we had wrong.
To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.
I’ve learned to speak in a lot of tongues, and I can live with the bellicose language of some fervent, fire-breathing Christians, sure.
I don’t know how U2 will stay relevant. I know we’ve got a future. I know we can fill stadiums. And yet with every record, I think, ‘Is this it? Are we still relevant?’
If September 11th has taught us anything, it’s certainly that the world has never been so interdependent. It is impossible now to be an island of prosperity in a sea of despair.
You see, idealism detached from action is just a dream. But idealism allied with pragmatism, with rolling up your sleeves and making the world bend a bit, is very exciting. It’s very real. It’s very strong.