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  • Bobby Knight Quote - So when I hear a guy after a game-winning home run say or gesture that God was on his side, I think to myself, ‘He’s saying God screwed the pitcher.
  • Bobby Knight Quote - So when I hear a guy after a game-winning home run say or gesture that God was on his side, I think to myself, ‘He’s saying God screwed the pitcher.
  • Bobby Knight Quote - So when I hear a guy after a game-winning home run say or gesture that God was on his side, I think to myself, ‘He’s saying God screwed the pitcher.
  • Bobby Knight Quote - So when I hear a guy after a game-winning home run say or gesture that God was on his side, I think to myself, ‘He’s saying God screwed the pitcher.
  • Bobby Knight Quote - So when I hear a guy after a game-winning home run say or gesture that God was on his side, I think to myself, ‘He’s saying God screwed the pitcher.
  • Bobby Knight Quote - So when I hear a guy after a game-winning home run say or gesture that God was on his side, I think to myself, ‘He’s saying God screwed the pitcher.
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So when I hear a guy after a game-winning home run say or gesture that God was on his side, I think to myself, ‘He’s saying God screwed the pitcher.