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  • Bob Frank Quote - And that’s become dramatically more expensive because of the growth in median house size, which was in turn caused by higher spending at the top.
  • Bob Frank Quote - And that’s become dramatically more expensive because of the growth in median house size, which was in turn caused by higher spending at the top.
  • Bob Frank Quote - And that’s become dramatically more expensive because of the growth in median house size, which was in turn caused by higher spending at the top.
  • Bob Frank Quote - And that’s become dramatically more expensive because of the growth in median house size, which was in turn caused by higher spending at the top.
  • Bob Frank Quote - And that’s become dramatically more expensive because of the growth in median house size, which was in turn caused by higher spending at the top.
  • Bob Frank Quote - And that’s become dramatically more expensive because of the growth in median house size, which was in turn caused by higher spending at the top.
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And that’s become dramatically more expensive because of the growth in median house size, which was in turn caused by higher spending at the top.