I am one of the most idiosyncratic people around.
BJORKI’ve always had as many powerful, creative ladies in my life as I have men, and you could probably describe some of those relationships as romantic.
More Bjork Quotes
I think after Iceland’s independence in 1944, we were not very sure of ourselves and our confidence was really low. It took one generation to sort of get over that. I’m second generation.
Part of me is probably more conservative than people realise. I like my old string quartets, I don’t like music that’s trippy for trippy’s sake.
You shouldn’t let poets lie to you.
I have written most of my melodies walking and I feel it is definitely one of the most helpful ways of sewing all of the different things in your life together and seeing the whole picture.
National Geographic contacted me about getting on their label, and I was like, ‘Wow, I want to be label mates with the sharks and lemurs!’
Emotions weren’t created to just lie around. You should experience things to the full. I’ve got a sense of the clock ticking.
I learned what a lot of women have to do is make the guys in the room think it was their idea, and then you back them up.
Everything that a guy says once, you have to say five times.
There’s more to Life than this
Kids draw masterpieces – they’re the best painters ever. I think the same with music. They could totally write amazing music if they just had the right tools.
I knew if certain people recommended something, it would be good. There’s always going to be those people. It just depends on what they’re called: curators or radio jockeys or bloggers.
I’m not going to talk like I know about politics, because I’m a total amateur, but maybe I can be a spokesperson for people who aren’t normally interested in politics.
I have always had a certain song in my head, a certain chemistry of sounds.
I don’t like records that are the same from beginning to end, that are too styled and slick.
I love England. It’s no coincidence it’s the first place I moved to for a more cosmopolitan life, which is the only thing Iceland lacks.