But I’m not interested in politics. I lose interest the microsecond it ceases to be emotional, when something becomes a political movement. What I’m interested in is emotions.
BJORKI don’t like records that are the same from beginning to end, that are too styled and slick.
More Bjork Quotes
i’m back at my cliff still throwing things off i listen to the sounds they make on their way down i follow him with my eyes ’till they crash imagine what my body would sound like slamming against those rocks.
I’m not going to talk like I know about politics, because I’m a total amateur, but maybe I can be a spokesperson for people who aren’t normally interested in politics.
When I met Apple, I made it very clear that I am an old punk and I have never done commercials or been sponsored. And I wasn’t after their money.
I definitely can feel the third or fourth feminist wave in the air, so maybe this is a good time to open that Pandora’s box a little bit and air it out.
Maybe that was a strange, personal job between me and myself, to show how overreaching I was being as a woman. The only way I could express that was by comparing it to the universe.
I get highs, to be totally honest, in second-hand shops. My hunting instinct, I expect, really kicks in.
It seems that most the world is driven by the eye, right? They design cities to look great but they always sound horrible …
When I was 18, science, physics, and math were my favorite. I was a bit of a nerd – the only girl with a lot of boys at chess championships.
I find it so amazing when people tell me that electronic music has no soul. You can’t blame the computer. If there’s no soul in the music, it’s because nobody put it there.
The English can be a very critical, unforgiving people, but criticism can be good. And this is a country that loves comedy.
Usually when you see females in movies, they feel like they have these metallic structures around them, they are caged in by male energy.
I’ve always had as many powerful, creative ladies in my life as I have men, and you could probably describe some of those relationships as romantic.
I’m a whisper in water.
Our times seem to be so much about redefining where we are physical and where we’re not.
I am grateful… grapefruit.