Usually when you see females in movies, they feel like they have these metallic structures around them, they are caged in by male energy.
BJORKSometimes, when I have a lot of ideas and I want to do a lot of things, or when I’m traveling,
More Bjork Quotes
Being a musician is very easy. My house is full of musical instruments. There’s a lot of music, always.
I mean, I’ve never been thinking that if you’re a fan you have to buy everything that somebody puts out. I mean, you’ve got a choice. If you don’t want it, just don’t buy it. It’s also a reaction to YouTube and sharing of files.
Kids draw masterpieces – they’re the best painters ever. I think the same with music. They could totally write amazing music if they just had the right tools.
A lot of it is really bad sound, really low quality. So the librarian in me wants it at least to exist there so that in 20 years when I’m sitting in my rocking chair, it will still exist in the best sound quality possible, even though it only sold 1000 units or whatever.
You’re a coward if you don’t stand up. Not for you, but for women. Say something.
Personally, I think choosing between men and women is like choosing between cake and ice cream. You’d be daft not to try both when there are so many different flavours.
When I write a song, I see a tunnel, and then the chorus is an open space, or the bassline is doing this shape. I see songs as a more of a geometric, spacial experience.
There’s something about the rhythm of walking, how, after about an hour and a half, the mind and body can’t help getting in sync.
Over the last 10 years, there have been so many incredible albums created in bedrooms by people who never would’ve gotten an album deal.
Declare independence, don’t let them do that to you!
You want people to take risks, and OK, they fail, but you don’t get the great stuff unless people are willing to risk and not play it safe. And maybe the Icelandic characteristic is better harnessed in these places than on the stock market.
The English can be a very critical, unforgiving people, but criticism can be good. And this is a country that loves comedy.
I do try and wear stuff by unknown designers, and I make sure I pay because if nothing else I have money.
Part of me is probably more conservative than people realise. I like my old string quartets, I don’t like music that’s trippy for trippy’s sake.
Love is a two way dream.