Have a great passion in everything you do and it will be the most fun and rewarding life you can have.
BILL ZANKERust as Airbnb made people realize that an extra room in their home or apartment can be a source of income, the new Learning Annex provides a platform for people to monetize their knowledge.
More Bill Zanker Quotes
ust as Airbnb made people realize that an extra room in their home or apartment can be a source of income, the new Learning Annex provides a platform for people to monetize their knowledge.
I believe that everyone has expertise to sell and that people want to purchase that knowledge in a convenient way. J
One of the most important pieces of advice that I have learned is to listen to your customers. They will be able to tell you how your business is doing and what direction you need to go in.
It’s an exciting time for online adult education and our new platform is the way to unify an otherwise fragmented market.