Feel your feelings. What you bring forth will save you.
BERNIE SIEGELYou can see people draw the past, present and future as well as dream about it. You go to bed at night and have a dream that says there’s a lump in your right breast and the doctor who is foreign, with an accent tells you it’s cancer.
More Bernie Siegel Quotes
To paraphrase something the anthropologist Ashley Montagu once said, the way I change my life is to act as if I’m the person I want to be. This is, to me, the simplest, wisest advice you can give anyone.
I am not talking about selfishness or self-interest. When I ask, What will make you happy?, I mean, What way of loving others feels right for you? Choose a way of loving that makes you happy, and your efforts will be play rather than work.
It’s hard to carry a child around with you, but fortunately, in most cases, you don’t have to ask a child for directions if you have a well-chosen role model ready to guide you. This is the next prescription:
People have taught me what most doctors don’t learn, in other words, when somebody does better than expected, the doctor will tell them they’re doing very well and to keep it up.
Now we are a team and I have less to be concerned about. He organizes my schedule. I just follow it, and when He is taking a day off my wife steps in.
You are in charge of your thoughts and feelings. If you are willing to search for the reason that you can’t let go of disturbing thoughts, you can learn about yourself and restore your own peace of mind.
If you watch how nature deals with adversity, continually renewing itself, you can’t help but learn.
Disease is surely one of the ways in which we are tried by life and offered the chance to be heroic. Though few of us will win Olympic gold medals or slay dragons, disease can be the spark or gift that allows many of us to live out our personal myths and become heroes.
Information doesn’t mean a thing to people without inspiration.
I heard that when I had grown up and had no idea of the whole story because the family album had pictures of a covered carriage and my mother smiling so I assumed I was asleep.
As one woman told me, “When I decided to come in to work happy, everybody around me became happy.” This woman had decided to quit a job she hated, and on the last day of her two weeks’ notice, she woke up happy.
It can be tempting to blame others for our loss of direction. We get lots of information about life but little education in life from parents, teachers, and other authority figures who should know better from their experience. Information is about facts.
We are here to feel, wonder and gaze in awe at the world. Instead of just teaching our children how to use things and do things, I suggest we nourish their sense of wonder.
I love how Mother Theresa said she wouldn’t attend an anti-war rally but if there was a peace rally to call her. So I realized it’s not about waging a war against everybody’s disease and diagnosis but rather about helping them live.
Don’t try to help people to ‘not die’, help them to enjoy life!