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  • Bernard of Clairvaux Quote - Therefore gird yourselves manfully and take up joyful arms for the name of God.
  • Bernard of Clairvaux Quote - Therefore gird yourselves manfully and take up joyful arms for the name of God.
  • Bernard of Clairvaux Quote - Therefore gird yourselves manfully and take up joyful arms for the name of God.
  • Bernard of Clairvaux Quote - Therefore gird yourselves manfully and take up joyful arms for the name of God.
  • Bernard of Clairvaux Quote - Therefore gird yourselves manfully and take up joyful arms for the name of God.
  • Bernard of Clairvaux Quote - Therefore gird yourselves manfully and take up joyful arms for the name of God.
  1. black
  2. grey
  3. blue
  4. red
  5. brown
  6. white

Therefore gird yourselves manfully and take up joyful arms for the name of God.