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  • Benjamin Whichcote Quote - Where Religion does take place and is effectual, it makes this world, in measure and degree, representative of Heaven.
  • Benjamin Whichcote Quote - Where Religion does take place and is effectual, it makes this world, in measure and degree, representative of Heaven.
  • Benjamin Whichcote Quote - Where Religion does take place and is effectual, it makes this world, in measure and degree, representative of Heaven.
  • Benjamin Whichcote Quote - Where Religion does take place and is effectual, it makes this world, in measure and degree, representative of Heaven.
  • Benjamin Whichcote Quote - Where Religion does take place and is effectual, it makes this world, in measure and degree, representative of Heaven.
  • Benjamin Whichcote Quote - Where Religion does take place and is effectual, it makes this world, in measure and degree, representative of Heaven.
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  6. white

Where Religion does take place and is effectual, it makes this world, in measure and degree, representative of Heaven.