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  • Benjamin Graham Quote - It should be remembered that a decline of 50% fully offsets a preceding advance of 100%.
  • Benjamin Graham Quote - It should be remembered that a decline of 50% fully offsets a preceding advance of 100%.
  • Benjamin Graham Quote - It should be remembered that a decline of 50% fully offsets a preceding advance of 100%.
  • Benjamin Graham Quote - It should be remembered that a decline of 50% fully offsets a preceding advance of 100%.
  • Benjamin Graham Quote - It should be remembered that a decline of 50% fully offsets a preceding advance of 100%.
  • Benjamin Graham Quote - It should be remembered that a decline of 50% fully offsets a preceding advance of 100%.
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It should be remembered that a decline of 50% fully offsets a preceding advance of 100%.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - By developing your discipline and courage, you can refuse to let other people’s mood swings govern your financial destiny. In the end, how your investments behave is much less important than how you behave.

    By developing your discipline and courage, you can refuse to let other people’s mood swings govern your financial destiny. In the end, how your investments behave is much less important than how you behave.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - The defensive (or passive) investor will place chief emphasis on the avoidance of serious mistakes or losses. His second aim will be freedom from effort, annoyance, and the need for making frequent decisions.

    The defensive (or passive) investor will place chief emphasis on the avoidance of serious mistakes or losses. His second aim will be freedom from effort, annoyance, and the need for making frequent decisions.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - There is no reason to feel any shame in hiring someone to pick stocks or mutual funds for you. But there’s one responsibility that you must never delegate. You, and no one but you, must investigate whether an adviser is trustworthy and charges reasonable fees.

    There is no reason to feel any shame in hiring someone to pick stocks or mutual funds for you. But there’s one responsibility that you must never delegate. You, and no one but you, must investigate whether an adviser is trustworthy and charges reasonable fees.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - there is a tendency in part of Wall Street people to pay excessive attention to the most recent figures and the present financial picture.

    there is a tendency in part of Wall Street people to pay excessive attention to the most recent figures and the present financial picture.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - The investor’s chief problem – and even his worst enemy – is likely to be himself.

    The investor’s chief problem – and even his worst enemy – is likely to be himself.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - For 99 issues out of 100 we could say that at some price they are cheap enough to buy and at some price they would be so dear that they would be sold.

    For 99 issues out of 100 we could say that at some price they are cheap enough to buy and at some price they would be so dear that they would be sold.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - To establish the right price for a stock, the market must have adequate information, but it by no means follows that is the market has this information it will thereupon establish the right price.

    To establish the right price for a stock, the market must have adequate information, but it by no means follows that is the market has this information it will thereupon establish the right price.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - We urge the beginner in security buying not to waste his efforts and his money in trying to beat the market. Let him study security values and initially test out his judgment on price versus value with the smallest possible sums.

    We urge the beginner in security buying not to waste his efforts and his money in trying to beat the market. Let him study security values and initially test out his judgment on price versus value with the smallest possible sums.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - Successful investing is about managing risk, not avoiding it.

    Successful investing is about managing risk, not avoiding it.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - Rather should we say that the market is a voting machine, whereon countless individuals register choices which are the product partly of reason and partly of emotion.

    Rather should we say that the market is a voting machine, whereon countless individuals register choices which are the product partly of reason and partly of emotion.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - To achieve satisfactory investment results is easier than most people realize; to achieve superior results is harder than it looks.

    To achieve satisfactory investment results is easier than most people realize; to achieve superior results is harder than it looks.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - Stock speculation is largely a matter of A trying to decide what B, C and D are likely to think-with B, C and D trying to do the same.

    Stock speculation is largely a matter of A trying to decide what B, C and D are likely to think-with B, C and D trying to do the same.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - People who invest make money for themselves; people who speculate make money for their brokers. And that, in turn, is why Wall Street perennially downplays the durable virtues of investing and hypes the gaudy appeal of speculation.

    People who invest make money for themselves; people who speculate make money for their brokers. And that, in turn, is why Wall Street perennially downplays the durable virtues of investing and hypes the gaudy appeal of speculation.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - Even defensive portfolios should be changed from time to time, especially if the securities purchased have an apparently excessive advance and can be replaced by issues much more reasonable priced.

    Even defensive portfolios should be changed from time to time, especially if the securities purchased have an apparently excessive advance and can be replaced by issues much more reasonable priced.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - The idea of storage as a solution of economic problems at least has the support of common sense.It is diametrically opposed to the topsy-turvy Alice-in-Wonderland reasoning that has marked so much of our depression thinking and policy.

    The idea of storage as a solution of economic problems at least has the support of common sense.It is diametrically opposed to the topsy-turvy Alice-in-Wonderland reasoning that has marked so much of our depression thinking and policy.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Benjamin Graham Quote - The Reservoir system will function not only as an equalizer of business conditions, but also as a national store to meet further emergencies, such as war and drought, and-most important of all-as the concrete means of developing a steadily higher living standard for all.

    The Reservoir system will function not only as an equalizer of business conditions, but also as a national store to meet further emergencies, such as war and drought, and-most important of all-as the concrete means of developing a steadily higher living standard for all.