Part of my aspiration as a film actor is to bring subtlety to everything I do – honesty but subtlety.
BENJAMIN BRATTPart of my aspiration as a film actor is to bring subtlety to everything I do – honesty but subtlety.
BENJAMIN BRATTI have no particular career agenda.
BENJAMIN BRATTYour job as an actor is to stay employed.
BENJAMIN BRATTAs far as I know, you only get one shot at this life. It only goes round once and time is precious. When I’m not working, you’d better spend that time with someone important.
BENJAMIN BRATTBuilding a little bonfire at night on the beach and lying on a blanket with my wife under the stars is not only sexy, it’s romantic.
BENJAMIN BRATTI’ve made a career over the last seventeen years of mostly playing men in uniform, especially cops. The one thing for an actor that is completely death is if you’re bored, because that boredom will show in your work.
BENJAMIN BRATTI count it as a major victory to not only be on a series that’s had a full season run, but to actually be on one that’s gotten picked up for a second season.
BENJAMIN BRATTI’ve been in scenarios as an actor where you have to manufacture an emotion that’s not really there, but it wasn’t hard with Halle because she’s a great person and very beautiful, so it ain’t a tough job at the end of the day.
BENJAMIN BRATTI think there’s a settled quality, there’s a gravitas that comes with aging and with being a parent because you certainly come to recognize that there’s nothing else that takes greater priority than raising your children.
BENJAMIN BRATTI find that most of us actors can’t stand ourselves in any form.
BENJAMIN BRATTI’ve made a career over the last seventeen years of mostly playing men in uniform, especially cops. The one thing for an actor that is death, is if you’re bored. The boredom will show in your work.
BENJAMIN BRATTI think all actors are on the constant search for a real challenge just to keep things interesting.
BENJAMIN BRATTFilm and television essentially feel the same when you’re doing it, because it’s the same technical approach.
BENJAMIN BRATTThere is no length that is too great to go to in order to protect your child.
BENJAMIN BRATTNo matter what your native tongue is, no matter what part of the world you’re from, if your native tongue is distorted with an accent, somehow that’s always funny.
BENJAMIN BRATTSo there was an inherent challenge in trying to keep it fresh, because it’s something that I’m familiar with, but the real draw for me was at long last to work with Halle.