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  • Bear Grylls Quote - As for my diet, I try to eat lean, clean and healthy – nothing too surprising. And I avoid too much meat or dairy because they slow you down.
  • Bear Grylls Quote - As for my diet, I try to eat lean, clean and healthy – nothing too surprising. And I avoid too much meat or dairy because they slow you down.
  • Bear Grylls Quote - As for my diet, I try to eat lean, clean and healthy – nothing too surprising. And I avoid too much meat or dairy because they slow you down.
  • Bear Grylls Quote - As for my diet, I try to eat lean, clean and healthy – nothing too surprising. And I avoid too much meat or dairy because they slow you down.
  • Bear Grylls Quote - As for my diet, I try to eat lean, clean and healthy – nothing too surprising. And I avoid too much meat or dairy because they slow you down.
  • Bear Grylls Quote - As for my diet, I try to eat lean, clean and healthy – nothing too surprising. And I avoid too much meat or dairy because they slow you down.
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As for my diet, I try to eat lean, clean and healthy – nothing too surprising. And I avoid too much meat or dairy because they slow you down.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - I was christened Edward. My sister gave me the name Bear when I was a week old and it has stuck. Download This Image

    I was christened Edward. My sister gave me the name Bear when I was a week old and it has stuck.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - I hang out all the time with kids and young scouts and I never meet kids who don’t want adventure. Download This Image

    I hang out all the time with kids and young scouts and I never meet kids who don’t want adventure.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - I think fire is so critical in the wild. You can cook with it, you can make tools, you can deter a predator, you can dry your clothes and you get that element of morale that matters so much when you’re stuck in the middle of nowhere. Download This Image

    I think fire is so critical in the wild. You can cook with it, you can make tools, you can deter a predator, you can dry your clothes and you get that element of morale that matters so much when you’re stuck in the middle of nowhere.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - The appeal of the wild for me is its unpredictability. You have to develop an awareness, react fast, be resourceful and come up with a plan and act on it. Download This Image

    The appeal of the wild for me is its unpredictability. You have to develop an awareness, react fast, be resourceful and come up with a plan and act on it.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - Life’s full of lots of dream-stealers always telling you you need to do something more sensible. I think it doesn’t matter what your dream is, just fight the dream-stealers and hold onto it. Download This Image

    Life’s full of lots of dream-stealers always telling you you need to do something more sensible. I think it doesn’t matter what your dream is, just fight the dream-stealers and hold onto it.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - The rules of survival never change, whether you’re in a desert or in an arena. Download This Image

    The rules of survival never change, whether you’re in a desert or in an arena.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - It’s unresolved conflict in my life that I have a lovely family and a risky job. Download This Image

    It’s unresolved conflict in my life that I have a lovely family and a risky job.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - My faith is an important part of my life and over the years I’ve learnt that it takes a proud man to say he doesn’t need anything. It has been a quiet strength and a backbone through a lot of difficult times. Download This Image

    My faith is an important part of my life and over the years I’ve learnt that it takes a proud man to say he doesn’t need anything. It has been a quiet strength and a backbone through a lot of difficult times.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - The difference between ordinary and extra-ordinary is so often just simply that little word – extra. And for me, I had always grown up with the belief that if someone succeeds it is because they are brilliant or talented or just better than me… Download This Image

    The difference between ordinary and extra-ordinary is so often just simply that little word – extra. And for me, I had always grown up with the belief that if someone succeeds it is because they are brilliant or talented or just better than me…

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - Unless you have shelter, fire is going to be very hard and if you have fire, but no water, you’re going to die. They’re all super important. Download This Image

    Unless you have shelter, fire is going to be very hard and if you have fire, but no water, you’re going to die. They’re all super important.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - I’ve fallen down crevasses, been bitten by snakes, been knocked unconscious, had various limbs broken and once, a heavy camera came plunging down which very nearly decapitated me. Download This Image

    I’ve fallen down crevasses, been bitten by snakes, been knocked unconscious, had various limbs broken and once, a heavy camera came plunging down which very nearly decapitated me.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - Our dreams are just wishes, if we never follow them through with action. And in life, you have got to be able to light your own fire. Download This Image

    Our dreams are just wishes, if we never follow them through with action. And in life, you have got to be able to light your own fire.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - Nobody wants to end up super rich and famous – but divorced. I’m always clear on that and try to stay on the right side of the line. Download This Image

    Nobody wants to end up super rich and famous – but divorced. I’m always clear on that and try to stay on the right side of the line.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - Dreams, though, are cheap, and the real task comes when you start putting in place the steps needed to make those dreams a reality. Download This Image

    Dreams, though, are cheap, and the real task comes when you start putting in place the steps needed to make those dreams a reality.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - When you find yourself thinking about someone or something in the same old negative way, just stop yourself. Think. Check. Change. Refresh. Job done. Smile. Move on. Do this enough times and you will change. For the better; for the stronger. Download This Image

    When you find yourself thinking about someone or something in the same old negative way, just stop yourself. Think. Check. Change. Refresh. Job done. Smile. Move on. Do this enough times and you will change. For the better; for the stronger.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Bear Grylls Quote - I didn’t want to do eight seasons of How To Build A Fire. The intention was to make something fun and dynamic and about self rescue, not about whittling.

    I didn’t want to do eight seasons of How To Build A Fire. The intention was to make something fun and dynamic and about self rescue, not about whittling.