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  • Barney Frank Quote - While I was pleasantly surprised by the relatively high number of jobs created in April, the fact is that job creation during this recovery period has significantly lagged both historical experience in recovery, and the projections of the Bush Administration. Download This Image
  • Barney Frank Quote - While I was pleasantly surprised by the relatively high number of jobs created in April, the fact is that job creation during this recovery period has significantly lagged both historical experience in recovery, and the projections of the Bush Administration.
  • Barney Frank Quote - While I was pleasantly surprised by the relatively high number of jobs created in April, the fact is that job creation during this recovery period has significantly lagged both historical experience in recovery, and the projections of the Bush Administration.
  • Barney Frank Quote - While I was pleasantly surprised by the relatively high number of jobs created in April, the fact is that job creation during this recovery period has significantly lagged both historical experience in recovery, and the projections of the Bush Administration.
  • Barney Frank Quote - While I was pleasantly surprised by the relatively high number of jobs created in April, the fact is that job creation during this recovery period has significantly lagged both historical experience in recovery, and the projections of the Bush Administration.
  • Barney Frank Quote - While I was pleasantly surprised by the relatively high number of jobs created in April, the fact is that job creation during this recovery period has significantly lagged both historical experience in recovery, and the projections of the Bush Administration.
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While I was pleasantly surprised by the relatively high number of jobs created in April, the fact is that job creation during this recovery period has significantly lagged both historical experience in recovery, and the projections of the Bush Administration.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - Before this learning experience, I had assumed that with regard to programs that sought to help people out of poverty, the political world was essentially divided into two camps: conservatives who opposed these for a variety of reasons, and liberals who supported them. Download This Image

    Before this learning experience, I had assumed that with regard to programs that sought to help people out of poverty, the political world was essentially divided into two camps: conservatives who opposed these for a variety of reasons, and liberals who supported them.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - I’m used to being in the minority. I’m a left-handed, gay Jew. I’ve never felt, automatically, a member of any majority. Download This Image

    I’m used to being in the minority. I’m a left-handed, gay Jew. I’ve never felt, automatically, a member of any majority.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - There is an irony that the most active anti-gay groups are Al-Qaeda and the American Right wing. Download This Image

    There is an irony that the most active anti-gay groups are Al-Qaeda and the American Right wing.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - There are no moderate Republicans left, with the exception of a few who would vote with us when it doesn’t make any difference,” Frank said. “It’s the most rigid ideological party since before the Civil War. … The bumper sticker I’m going to have printed up for Democrats this year is, ‘We’re not perfect, but they’re nuts.’ Download This Image

    There are no moderate Republicans left, with the exception of a few who would vote with us when it doesn’t make any difference,” Frank said. “It’s the most rigid ideological party since before the Civil War. … The bumper sticker I’m going to have printed up for Democrats this year is, ‘We’re not perfect, but they’re nuts.’

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - I do not believe that the federal government should treat adults who choose to smoke marijuana as criminals.

    I do not believe that the federal government should treat adults who choose to smoke marijuana as criminals.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - [Democrats] are trying on every front to increase the role of government. Download This Image

    [Democrats] are trying on every front to increase the role of government.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - A leader can`t move a country that`s not ready. You can`t make the waves, but when you see them coming, you can help direct them. Download This Image

    A leader can`t move a country that`s not ready. You can`t make the waves, but when you see them coming, you can help direct them.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - Lawyers are very, very good at keeping you out of prison, but they will sacrifice your reputation and credibility to do so. Download This Image

    Lawyers are very, very good at keeping you out of prison, but they will sacrifice your reputation and credibility to do so.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - I believe it is a good thing to get rid of Gaddafi. But does America have to do everything?

    I believe it is a good thing to get rid of Gaddafi. But does America have to do everything?

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - The left and the right live in parallel universes. The right listens to talk radio, the left’s on the Internet and they just reinforce one another. They have no sense of reality. I have now one ambition: to retire before it becomes essential to tweet. Download This Image

    The left and the right live in parallel universes. The right listens to talk radio, the left’s on the Internet and they just reinforce one another. They have no sense of reality. I have now one ambition: to retire before it becomes essential to tweet.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - There was a degree of interventionism in American foreign policy, the notion that we must be the superpower and we have to intervene everywhere, that I think makes no sense. Download This Image

    There was a degree of interventionism in American foreign policy, the notion that we must be the superpower and we have to intervene everywhere, that I think makes no sense.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - In the debate between those who believe in essentially unregulated markets and others who hold that reasonable regulation diminishes market excesses without inhibiting their basic function, the subprime situation unfortunately provides ammunition for the latter view. Download This Image

    In the debate between those who believe in essentially unregulated markets and others who hold that reasonable regulation diminishes market excesses without inhibiting their basic function, the subprime situation unfortunately provides ammunition for the latter view.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - In a free society, a large degree of human activity is none of the government’s business. We should make criminal what’s going to hurt other people and other than that we should leave it to people to make their own choices. Download This Image

    In a free society, a large degree of human activity is none of the government’s business. We should make criminal what’s going to hurt other people and other than that we should leave it to people to make their own choices.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - It is because the fight against the harshest aspects of unrestricted capitalism is therefore a political problem and not an intellectual one that community action remains so essential. Download This Image

    It is because the fight against the harshest aspects of unrestricted capitalism is therefore a political problem and not an intellectual one that community action remains so essential.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - I hope we will not so characterize religious people as being so narrow and so biased towards people not of their own religion that they cannot even work with them in this common cause to which you say they are committed. Download This Image

    I hope we will not so characterize religious people as being so narrow and so biased towards people not of their own religion that they cannot even work with them in this common cause to which you say they are committed.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barney Frank Quote - It is, of course, further indication that a fundamentalist right has really taken over much of the Republican Party, People might cite George Bush as proof that you can be totally impervious to the effects of Harvard and Yale education. Download This Image

    It is, of course, further indication that a fundamentalist right has really taken over much of the Republican Party, People might cite George Bush as proof that you can be totally impervious to the effects of Harvard and Yale education.