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  • Barbara Kruger Quote - I worked with someone else’s photos; I cropped them in whatever way I wanted and put words on top of them. I knew how to do it with my eyes closed. Why couldn’t that be my art? Download This Image
  • Barbara Kruger Quote - I worked with someone else’s photos; I cropped them in whatever way I wanted and put words on top of them. I knew how to do it with my eyes closed. Why couldn’t that be my art?
  • Barbara Kruger Quote - I worked with someone else’s photos; I cropped them in whatever way I wanted and put words on top of them. I knew how to do it with my eyes closed. Why couldn’t that be my art?
  • Barbara Kruger Quote - I worked with someone else’s photos; I cropped them in whatever way I wanted and put words on top of them. I knew how to do it with my eyes closed. Why couldn’t that be my art?
  • Barbara Kruger Quote - I worked with someone else’s photos; I cropped them in whatever way I wanted and put words on top of them. I knew how to do it with my eyes closed. Why couldn’t that be my art?
  • Barbara Kruger Quote - I worked with someone else’s photos; I cropped them in whatever way I wanted and put words on top of them. I knew how to do it with my eyes closed. Why couldn’t that be my art?
  1. black
  2. grey
  3. blue
  4. red
  5. brown
  6. white

I worked with someone else’s photos; I cropped them in whatever way I wanted and put words on top of them. I knew how to do it with my eyes closed. Why couldn’t that be my art?

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - Architecture is my first love, if you want to talk about what moves me… the ordering of space, the visual pleasure, architecture’s power to construct our days and nights. Download This Image

    Architecture is my first love, if you want to talk about what moves me… the ordering of space, the visual pleasure, architecture’s power to construct our days and nights.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - Look, we’re all saddled with things that make us better or worse. This world is a crazy place, and I’ve chosen to make my work about that insanity. Download This Image

    Look, we’re all saddled with things that make us better or worse. This world is a crazy place, and I’ve chosen to make my work about that insanity.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - I feel uncomfortable with the term public art, because I’m not sure what it means. If it means what I think it does, then I don’t do it. I’m not crazy about categories.

    I feel uncomfortable with the term public art, because I’m not sure what it means. If it means what I think it does, then I don’t do it. I’m not crazy about categories.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - It’s really hard for me to use the term ‘history’ in the singular, because it suggests a reductivist view of how moments and events congeal and reflect the passage of time. I’d rather stick to the pluralness of ‘histories’ in order to suggest the simultaneity, the parallel forces at work, which produce lived experience. Download This Image

    It’s really hard for me to use the term ‘history’ in the singular, because it suggests a reductivist view of how moments and events congeal and reflect the passage of time. I’d rather stick to the pluralness of ‘histories’ in order to suggest the simultaneity, the parallel forces at work, which produce lived experience.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - I want people to be drawn into the space of the work. And a lot of people are like me in that they have relatively short attention spans. So I shoot for the window of opportunity. Download This Image

    I want people to be drawn into the space of the work. And a lot of people are like me in that they have relatively short attention spans. So I shoot for the window of opportunity.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - I mean, making art is about objectifying your experience of the world, transforming the flow of moments into something visual, or textual, or musical, whatever. Art creates a kind of commentary. Download This Image

    I mean, making art is about objectifying your experience of the world, transforming the flow of moments into something visual, or textual, or musical, whatever. Art creates a kind of commentary.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - It’s a small world, but not if you have to clean it Download This Image

    It’s a small world, but not if you have to clean it

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - You make history when you do business. Download This Image

    You make history when you do business.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - I don’t necessarily think that installation is the only way to go. It’s just a label for certain kinds of arrangements. Download This Image

    I don’t necessarily think that installation is the only way to go. It’s just a label for certain kinds of arrangements.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - I’m living my life, not buying a lifestyle. Download This Image

    I’m living my life, not buying a lifestyle.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - Fashion is everywhere and about everything. It is folly, vanity and the fun of it all. It is disguise, innuendo, and cunning. It is mean, gorgeous and ambitious, and definitely the last word for the next few seconds. Download This Image

    Fashion is everywhere and about everything. It is folly, vanity and the fun of it all. It is disguise, innuendo, and cunning. It is mean, gorgeous and ambitious, and definitely the last word for the next few seconds.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - The different aspects of my activity, whether it’s writing criticism, or doing visual work that incorporates writing, or teaching, or curating, is all of a single cloth, and I don’t make any separation in terms of those practices. Download This Image

    The different aspects of my activity, whether it’s writing criticism, or doing visual work that incorporates writing, or teaching, or curating, is all of a single cloth, and I don’t make any separation in terms of those practices.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - Things change and work changes. Right now I like the idea of enveloping a space and getting messages across that connect to the world in ways that seem familiar but are different. Download This Image

    Things change and work changes. Right now I like the idea of enveloping a space and getting messages across that connect to the world in ways that seem familiar but are different.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - There’s a moment of recognition. It’s that white-light kind of stuff that just “works.” I love that. And you know it when it happens, whether it’s a movie, music, a building, a book. Download This Image

    There’s a moment of recognition. It’s that white-light kind of stuff that just “works.” I love that. And you know it when it happens, whether it’s a movie, music, a building, a book.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - You want it, you buy it, you forget it. Download This Image

    You want it, you buy it, you forget it.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Barbara Kruger Quote - Seeing is no longer believing. The very notion of truth has been put into crisis. In a world bloated with images, we are finally learning that photographs do indeed lie. Download This Image

    Seeing is no longer believing. The very notion of truth has been put into crisis. In a world bloated with images, we are finally learning that photographs do indeed lie.