I think we have to stop using the expression “alt-right.” It’s ridiculous. It’s racist, fascist, nationalist.
BARBARA BOXERJust look at the Judiciary Committee, You have some people on the Judiciary Committee who may well decide not to send the nomination to the floor, and now it all depends on what Democrats do.
More Barbara Boxer Quotes
The American people are beginning to see the Republicans’ willingness to trample over 200 years of history, to step on the minority, to push everybody out of the way because they want 100 percent. It’s rubbing the American people the wrong way. One-party rule is not good.
If we turn our back on the people of this country who need to work for a living, we shouldn’t be here, to be honest, because that has to be an essential part of what we do to protect the country, from the standpoint of defense, protect workers and make sure they have jobs.
Could you say ‘senator’ instead of ‘ma’am? It’s just a thing. I worked so hard to get that title. I’d appreciate it
What they [Jim deMint and the oil lobby] do care about is the precedent. If they open up ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge), they’ll think they can do anything to the environment – anything at all. Drilling in Yosemite? In the Grand Canyon? What’s next?
The job is never done and every generation has to fight again.
Tonight, you are hearing from the Democratic women of the Senate… We stand together on so many issues: economic prosperity, quality education for all, protecting a woman’s right to choose
The White House has embarked on a mission to convince the people of our country that Social Security is in dire need of drastic change in order to save it for all workers
To win the cause we all believe in, the spread of true democracy all over the world, we need to win by example, not just with speeches but by example; not just with military might but by gaining the respect of the world.
In the early stages of a pregnancy, the Government cannot intervene with a woman’s right to choose. That is it, plain and simple. Guess what. We are not going to be big brother or sister, as the case may be. We are going to allow a woman, her doctor, and her God to make that decision.
I think the scientists have really caught the attention of the people of this country, and of course, they elected representatives by their very clear pronouncement that if we don’t do something, we’ll be in a lot of trouble.
In America, the system itself of democracy is being threatened.
Perhaps, one of our greatest challenges as a nation, as a people, as human beings making sure that our grandkids can live on this Earth.
If you want to be a leader, it doesn’t mean that you have to have an opinion on everything. But if you do have an opinion and it is clear and you feel strongly about it, then you should say it.
If something is opinion, put it in the opinion section: Don’t put it in the facts section.
I know from my constituency what is going on. Doctors that are told, begged, by mothers, ‘Please don’t write down that my child as asthma. Please lie and say it’s bronchitis, because if you write down asthma, when my child turns 18 or 20 and has to get his or her own insurance, it will be a pre-existing condition.’