I used to encourage everyone I knew to make art; I don’t do that so much anymore.
BANKSYPeople say graffiti is ugly, irresponsible and childish… but that’s only if it’s done properly.
More Banksy Quotes
But there’s no way round it-commercial success is a mark of failure for a graffiti artist. We’re not supposed to be embraced in that way. When you look at how society rewards so many of the wrong people, it’s hard not to view financial reimbursement as a badge of self-serving mediocrity.
At this time of year it’s easy to forget the true meaning of Christianity – the lies, the corruption, the abuse.
My lawyer’s opinion is that the cops might not actually be able to charge me with criminal damage any more – because theoretically my graffiti actually increases the value of property rather than decreasing it. That’s his theory, but then my lawyer also believes wearing novelty cartoon ties is a good look.
Film is incredibly democratic and accessible, it’s probably the best option if you actually want to change the world, not just re-decorate it.
I’ve never really understood why people sleep. Wasting a third of your life and becoming vulnerable for almost 8 hours every night. Doesn’t seem very appealing to me.
I don’t think you should have to pay to look at graffiti. You should only pay if you want to get rid of it.
Nothing is black and white, and there is no purity and there is no such thing has justice.
The thing I hate the most about advertising is that it attracts all the bright, creative and ambitious young people, leaving us mainly with the slow and self-obsessed to become our artists.. Modern art is a disaster area. Never in the field of human history has so much been used by so many to say so little.
Brandalism Any advertisement in public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It belongs to you. It’s yours to take, rearrange and re-use. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head.
You owe the companies nothing. You especially don’t owe them any courtesy. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don’t even start asking for theirs.
I know street art can feel increasingly like the marketing wing of an art career, so I wanted to make some art without the price tag attached. There’s no gallery show or book or film. It’s pointless. Which hopefully means something.
Nobody ever listened to me until they didn’t know who I was
Become good at cheating and you never need to become good at anything else.
It doesn’t take much to be a successful artist-all you need to do is dedicate your entire life to it.
I know street art can feel increasingly like the marketing wing of an art career, so I wanted to make some art without the price tag attached. There’s no gallery show or book or film. It’s pointless. Which hopefully means something.