Although you might have to creep about at night and lie to your mum it’s actually one of the more honest art forms available. There is no elitism or hype, it exhibits on the best walls a town has to offer and nobody is put off by the price of admission.
BANKSYA lot of people never use their initiative because no-one told them to.
More Banksy Quotes
In the future, everybody will be anonymous for 15 minutes.
If you want someone to be ignored then build a life-size bronze statue of them and stick it in the middle of town. It doesn’t matter how great you were, it’ll always take an unfunny drunk with climbing skills to make people notice you.
You don’t need planning permission to build castles in the sky
Film is incredibly democratic and accessible, it’s probably the best option if you actually want to change the world, not just re-decorate it.
I wanted to highlight the destruction in Gaza by posting photos on my website – but on the internet, people only look at pictures of kittens.
I’d been painting rats for three years before someone said ‘that’s clever it’s an anagram of art’ and I had to pretend I’d known that all along.
Gaza is often described as ‘the world’s largest open air prison’ because no-one is allowed to enter or leave. But that seems a bit unfair to prisons – they don’t have their electricity and drinking water cut off randomly almost every day.
Sometimes I feel so sick at the state of the world I can’t even finish my second apple pie.
The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It’s people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages.
I love the way capitalism finds a place – even for its enemies.
There are four basic human needs; food, sleep, sex and revenge.
If you want someone to be ignored then build a life-size bronze statue of them and stick it in the middle of town. It doesn’t matter how great you were, it’ll always take an unfunny drunk with climbing skills to make people notice you.
The one thing you can rely on is if you get disturbed halfway through a painting and it looks a bit naff, then someone will preserve that piece, remove it and a few months later it’ll be paraded round Sotheby’s by people wearing white gloves.
A lot of mothers will do anything for their children, except let them be themselves.
It’s a very frustrated feeling you get when the only people with good photos of you work are the police department.