Stencils are good for two reasons; one – they’re quick; two – they annoy idiots.
BANKSYA wall is a very big weapon. It’s one of the nastiest things you can hit someone with.
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There’s nothing more dangerous than someone who wants to make the world a better place.
Graffiti is one of the few tools you have if you have almost nothing. And even if you don’t come up with a picture to cure world poverty you can make someone smile while they’re having a piss.
The one thing you can rely on is if you get disturbed halfway through a painting and it looks a bit naff, then someone will preserve that piece, remove it and a few months later it’ll be paraded round Sotheby’s by people wearing white gloves.
A wall is a very big weapon. It’s one of the nastiest things you can hit someone with.
Graffiti is one of the few tools you have if you have almost nothing.
You’re mind is working at its best when you’re being paranoid. You explore every avenue and possibility of your situation at high speed with total clarity.
Film is incredibly democratic and accessible, it’s probably the best option if you actually want to change the world, not just re-decorate it.
At this time of year it’s easy to forget the true meaning of Christianity – the lies, the corruption, the abuse.
Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent, leave the house before you find something worth staying in for.
The Art we look at is made by only a select few. A small group create, promote, purchase, exhibit and decide the success of Art. Only a few hundred people in the world have any real say. When you go to an Art gallery you are simply a tourist looking at the trophy cabinet of a few millionaires
I wanted to highlight the destruction in Gaza by posting photos on my website – but on the internet, people only look at pictures of kittens.
If you have a statue in the city centre you could go past it every day on your way to school and never even notice it, right. But as soon as someone puts a traffic cone on its head, you’ve made your own sculpture.
People seem to think if they dress like a revolutionary they don`t actually have to behave like one.
All graffiti is low-level dissent, but stencils have an extra history. They’ve been used to start revolutions and to stop wars
The grumpier you are, the more assholes you meet.