If you don’t own a train company then you go and paint on one instead… it all comes from that thing at school when you had to have name tags in the back of something… that makes it belong to you. You can own half the city by scribbling your name over it.
BANKSYI love the way capitalism finds a place – even for its enemies.
More Banksy Quotes
You owe the companies nothing. You especially don’t owe them any courtesy. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don’t even start asking for theirs.
I need someone to protect me from all the measures they take in order to protect me.
A lot of people never use their initiative because no-one told them to.
But there’s no way round it-commercial success is a mark of failure for a graffiti artist. We’re not supposed to be embraced in that way. When you look at how society rewards so many of the wrong people, it’s hard not to view financial reimbursement as a badge of self-serving mediocrity.
I’ve learnt from experience that a painting isn’t finished when you put down your brush – that’s when it starts. The public reaction is what supplies meaning and value. Art comes alive in the arguments you have about it.
Sometimes I feel so sick at the state of the world I can’t even finish my second apple pie.
I have a theory that you can make any sentence seem profound by writing the name of a dead philosopher at the end of it.
If Michaelangelo or Leonardo Da Vinci were alive today they’d be making Avatar, not painting a chapel.
Modern art is a disaster area. Never in the field of human history has so much been used by so many to say so little.
I know street art can feel increasingly like the marketing wing of an art career, so I wanted to make some art without the price tag attached. There’s no gallery show or book or film. It’s pointless. Which hopefully means something.
Graffiti is only dangerous in the mind of three types of people; politicians, advertising executives and graffiti writers.
Stencils are good for two reasons; one – they’re quick; two – they annoy idiots.
The thing I hate the most about advertising is that it attracts all the bright, creative and ambitious young people, leaving us mainly with the slow and self-obsessed to become our artists.. Modern art is a disaster area. Never in the field of human history has so much been used by so many to say so little.
Although you might have to creep about at night and lie to your mum it’s actually one of the more honest art forms available. There is no elitism or hype, it exhibits on the best walls a town has to offer and nobody is put off by the price of admission.
Film is incredibly democratic and accessible, it’s probably the best option if you actually want to change the world, not just re-decorate it.