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  • B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - To ensure attaining an objective, one should have alternate objectives. An attack that converges on one point should threaten, and be able to diverge against another. Only by this flexibility of aim can strategy be attuned to the uncertainty of war. Download This Image
  • B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - To ensure attaining an objective, one should have alternate objectives. An attack that converges on one point should threaten, and be able to diverge against another. Only by this flexibility of aim can strategy be attuned to the uncertainty of war.
  • B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - To ensure attaining an objective, one should have alternate objectives. An attack that converges on one point should threaten, and be able to diverge against another. Only by this flexibility of aim can strategy be attuned to the uncertainty of war.
  • B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - To ensure attaining an objective, one should have alternate objectives. An attack that converges on one point should threaten, and be able to diverge against another. Only by this flexibility of aim can strategy be attuned to the uncertainty of war.
  • B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - To ensure attaining an objective, one should have alternate objectives. An attack that converges on one point should threaten, and be able to diverge against another. Only by this flexibility of aim can strategy be attuned to the uncertainty of war.
  • B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - To ensure attaining an objective, one should have alternate objectives. An attack that converges on one point should threaten, and be able to diverge against another. Only by this flexibility of aim can strategy be attuned to the uncertainty of war.
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To ensure attaining an objective, one should have alternate objectives. An attack that converges on one point should threaten, and be able to diverge against another. Only by this flexibility of aim can strategy be attuned to the uncertainty of war.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - A modern state is such a complex and interdependent fabric that it offers a target highly sensitive to a sudden and overwhelming blow from the air. Download This Image

    A modern state is such a complex and interdependent fabric that it offers a target highly sensitive to a sudden and overwhelming blow from the air.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - The more usual reason for adopting a strategy of limited aim is that of awaiting a change in the balance of force … The essential condition of such a strategy is that the drain on him should be disproportionately greater than on oneself. Download This Image

    The more usual reason for adopting a strategy of limited aim is that of awaiting a change in the balance of force … The essential condition of such a strategy is that the drain on him should be disproportionately greater than on oneself.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - An army should always be so distributed that its parts can aid each other and combine to produce the maximum possible concentration of force at one place, while the minimum force necessary is used elsewhere to prepare the success of the concentration. Download This Image

    An army should always be so distributed that its parts can aid each other and combine to produce the maximum possible concentration of force at one place, while the minimum force necessary is used elsewhere to prepare the success of the concentration.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - No man can exactly calculate the capacity of human genius and stupidity, nor the incapacity of will. Download This Image

    No man can exactly calculate the capacity of human genius and stupidity, nor the incapacity of will.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - Guerrilla war is a kind of war waged by the few but dependent on the support of many. Download This Image

    Guerrilla war is a kind of war waged by the few but dependent on the support of many.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - If you want peace, understand war. Download This Image

    If you want peace, understand war.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - Every action is seen to fall into one of three main categories, guarding, hitting, or moving. Here, then, are the elements of combat, whether in war or pugilism.

    Every action is seen to fall into one of three main categories, guarding, hitting, or moving. Here, then, are the elements of combat, whether in war or pugilism.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - Air Power is, above all, a psychological weapon – and only short-sighted soldiers, too battle-minded, underrate the importance of psychological factors in war. Download This Image

    Air Power is, above all, a psychological weapon – and only short-sighted soldiers, too battle-minded, underrate the importance of psychological factors in war.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - In strategy the longest way round is often the shortest way there- a direct approach to the object exhausts the attacker and hardens the resistance by compression, whereas an indirect approach loosens the defender’s hold by upsetting his balance. Download This Image

    In strategy the longest way round is often the shortest way there- a direct approach to the object exhausts the attacker and hardens the resistance by compression, whereas an indirect approach loosens the defender’s hold by upsetting his balance.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - I used to think that the causes of war were predominantly economic. I came to think that they were more psychological. I am now coming to think that they are decisively “personal,” arising from the defects and ambitions of those who have the power to influence the currents of nations. Download This Image

    I used to think that the causes of war were predominantly economic. I came to think that they were more psychological. I am now coming to think that they are decisively “personal,” arising from the defects and ambitions of those who have the power to influence the currents of nations.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - While the nominal strength of a country is represented by its numbers and resources, this muscular development is dependent on the state of its internal organs and nerve-system – upon its stability of control, morale, and supply. Download This Image

    While the nominal strength of a country is represented by its numbers and resources, this muscular development is dependent on the state of its internal organs and nerve-system – upon its stability of control, morale, and supply.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - This high proportion of history’s decisive campaigns, the significance of which is enhanced by the comparative rarity of the direct approach, enforces the conclusion that the indirect is by far the most hopeful and economic form of strategy. Download This Image

    This high proportion of history’s decisive campaigns, the significance of which is enhanced by the comparative rarity of the direct approach, enforces the conclusion that the indirect is by far the most hopeful and economic form of strategy.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - Loss of hope rather than loss of life is what decides the issues of war. But helplessness induces hopelessness. Download This Image

    Loss of hope rather than loss of life is what decides the issues of war. But helplessness induces hopelessness.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - The higher level of grand strategy [is] that of conducting war with a far-sighted regard to the state of the peace that will follow. Download This Image

    The higher level of grand strategy [is] that of conducting war with a far-sighted regard to the state of the peace that will follow.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - Natural hazards, however formidable, are inherently less dangerous and less uncertain than fighting hazards. All conditions are more calculable, all obstacles more surmountable than those of human resistance. Download This Image

    Natural hazards, however formidable, are inherently less dangerous and less uncertain than fighting hazards. All conditions are more calculable, all obstacles more surmountable than those of human resistance.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram B. H. Liddell Hart Quote - The most effective indirect approach is one that lures or startles the opponent into a false move – so that, as in ju-jitsu, his own effort is turned into the lever of his overthrow. Download This Image

    The most effective indirect approach is one that lures or startles the opponent into a false move – so that, as in ju-jitsu, his own effort is turned into the lever of his overthrow.