Acting without thinking is like shooting without aiming.
B. C. FORBESActing without thinking is like shooting without aiming.
B. C. FORBESHe best keeps from anger who remembers that God is always looking upon him.
B. C. FORBESIn the race for success, speed is less important than stamina.
B. C. FORBESThe fellow who isn’t fired with enthusiasm is apt to be fired.
B. C. FORBESOur future and our fate lie in our wills more than in our hands, for our hands are but the instruments of our wills.
B. C. FORBESJustice must be blind to the hardness or softness of a man’s hands, as well as to the leanness or fatness of his pocketbook
B. C. FORBESDifficulties should act as a tonic. They should spur us to greater exertion.
B. C. FORBESKill time and you will kill your career.
B. C. FORBESMadame Curie didn’t stumble upon radium by accident. She searched and experimented and sweated and suffered years before she found it. Success rarely is an accident.
B. C. FORBES…the incontestable truth is that America has been built up by optimists, not by pessimists, but by men possessing courage, confidence in the nation’s destiny, by men willing to adventure, to shoulder risks terrifying to the timid.
B. C. FORBESThere’s no such thing as a self-made man. I’ve had much help and have found that if you are willing to work, many people are willing to help you.
B. C. FORBESOpportunity can benefit no man who has not fitted himself to seize it and use it. Opportunity woos the worthy, shuns the unworthy. Prepare yourself to grasp opportunity, and opportunity is likely to come your way. It is not so fickle, capricious and unreasoning as some complain.
B. C. FORBESTemporary release from work, through vacations, becomes more welcome, more pleasurable, even more necessary, as we grow older.
B. C. FORBESThe way to make a true friend is to be one. Friendship implies loyalty, esteem, cordiality, sympathy, affection, readiness to aid, to help, to stick, to fight for, if need be. … Radiate friendship and it will return sevenfold.
B. C. FORBESTriumph often is nearest when defeat seems inescapable.
B. C. FORBESThe man who has won millions at the cost of his conscience is a failure.