Religion began as a natural explanation of the universe. The problem started when people refused to accept new evidence.
B. B. KINGNotes are expensive, spend them wisely.
More B. B. King Quotes
When I do eventually drop, I pray to God that it will happen in one of three ways. Firstly, on stage or leaving the stage, then secondly in my sleep. And the third way? You’ll have to figure that out for yourself!
B. B. KING -
It just seemed to me that the way I played was nice. I could hear it myself.
B. B. KING -
Music is good for everybody. They say it soothes the savage beast. Well, I think theirs a beast in all of us. So let’s get some more music and soothe all the beasts out there.
B. B. KING -
I gave you seven children, but now you want to give them back.
B. B. KING -
I’ve always liked ladies all my life. I guess it started with my mom. So every time I saw a pretty lady, I thought, she’s pretty.
B. B. KING -
Janis Joplin sings the blues as hard as any black person.
B. B. KING -
The crowds treat me like my last name. When I go onstage people usually stand up, I never ask them to, but they do. They stand up and they don’t know how much I appreciate it.
B. B. KING -
You never miss what you’ve never had. I never had any other life. I didn’t know any other life.
B. B. KING -
When you don’t have much money, you worry that they’ll just put you in the ground someplace and your loved ones won’t know where you are.
B. B. KING -
I never use that word, retire.
B. B. KING -
I don’t try to just be a blues singer – I try to be an entertainer. That has kept me going.
B. B. KING -
I don’t think it’s meant for man to know everything at once.
B. B. KING -
I don’t think anybody steals anything; all of us borrow.
B. B. KING -
I was glad to see other blues guitarists like Albert King have crossover successes like me. We played in the same places like the Whisky and the Filmore. When Albert made his guitar cry, he could cut you so deep!
B. B. KING -
I’ve said that playing the blues is like having to be black twice. Stevie Ray Vaughan missed on both counts, but I never noticed.