She looked like something to pin up against a wall -masterpiece.
ASTAShe looked like something to pin up against a wall -masterpiece.
More Asta Quotes
I do not want a soft love, I want to be crushed.
I don’t know which is sadder, the fact That I am severely depressed, or the fact that no one has noticed.
There are bigger problems in the world than those of love despite this I can’t fathom why I think I may die if i can’t have you.
A relationship shouldn’t require you to walk on eggshells. But if you have to? boil the damn egg.
The clouds in my head are raining hell today.
Such is the tragedy of the moon and sun; one sets the other rises perhaps you and i share the same destiny; one day the other night made to cross paths but never meet.
You do not owe your trauma to people to prove that you are worthy of being a part of their life.
What a funny world we live in people live their days in pursuit of filling their hands with things only to depart this life empty handed.
Maybe in another life I won’t be as hard as to love.
Fools are not those in love rather, fools are those who run from love and I have a habit of falling for fools.
Being with you is familiar, like playing guitar after some time; the theory is there but my fingers have forgotten the chords.
You were a pleasant surprise, my love like inspiration in between of writers block.
It takes a great deal of courage to emerge from the dirt and the hurt and grow and bloom into petals of kindness and love.
And in the same way sunflowers involuntarily follow the sun shined so bright, you could have led me to hell and I would have followed you anyway.
You will never know this love, I will never show.