When men drink wine they are rich, they are busy, they push lawsuits, they are happy, they are friends.
ARISTOPHANESI saw a cavalry captain buy vegetable soup on horseback. He carried the whole mess home in his helmet.
More Aristophanes Quotes
Times change. The vices of your age are stylish today.
You cannot make a crab walk straight.
A man should be able to stand up under any disaster for his country’s good.
Wise people, even though all laws were abolished, would still lead the same life.
Look at the orators in our republics; as long as they are poor, both state and people can only praise their uprightness; but once they are fattened on the public funds, they conceive a hatred for justice, plan intrigues against the people and attack the democracy.
One bush, they say, can never hide two thieves.
Weak mortals, chained to the earth, creatures of clay as frail as the foliage of the woods, you unfortunate race, whose life is but darkness, as unreal as a shadow, the illusion of a dream.
You vote yourselves salaries out of the public funds and care only for your own personal interests; hence the state limps along.
The old are in a second childhood.
Comedy too can sometimes discern what is right. I shall not please, but I shall say what is true.
To invoke solely the weaker arguments and yet triumph is an art worth more than a hundred thousand drachmae.
It is bad taste for a poet to be coarse and hairy.
It often happens that less depends upon the valor of an army than the skill of the leader.
Mix and knead together all the state business as you do for your sausages. To win the people, always cook them some savory that pleases them.
The wise learn many things from their enemies.